Saturday, December 30, 2006

What Do the Addicts of the Internet Want and How Can you Feed Them in Your Internet Marketing?

24 hours a day 7 days a week, All Singing, All Dancing Show!

A lot of people ask me if I like my job. I instantly reply yes. They usually ask why? My response varies from day to day but on this new years eve I must say the reason why I love it is because of my love of the internet. "I LOVE INTERNET" should be the shirt I should wear. What do I love about ther internet?

1. Its always on - Even on this new years eve people will be buying things, searching websites, chatting, blogging, browsing, hacking, transferring, downloading and playing online. Checkout your websites statistics even as the clock ticks over to that magical new year. My favourite experiences are when people purchase at that time. Send me a screenshot of your New Year Purchase!

2. Its Free - Apart from ISP costs the internet is free. In Sydney I am not sure if you have noticed but it has become offensive to drive around with the amount of tolls you have to pay. Its as if there is a driving tax. I much prefer to walk and ride my bike around local areas than pay up the big tolls. I cop the worst tolls too. I am one of the 30,000 people using the Cross City Tunnel. Yep. I go from Bondi to Balmain each day and it would be a nightmare if someone hadnt kindly built me a tunnel to travel the length of my entire destination. (Thank you Mr Hong Kong business man for spending 100 million just for my and the 29,999 other people.) I digress. This blog is Free. The information on it. Free. All the other wonderful services provided by the internet FREE FREE FREE.

3. Instant gratification - Unlike any other medium you can get it instantly on the internet. I love buying something and using it immediately. Its like your on one of those Datona games and you bust through a checkpoint and immediately your onto the next challenge. On the internet I buy something and immediately im using it and onto the next challenge.

4. Anonymouity - On the internet you can be anyone. I played Second Life for the first time in my life and it was amazing. I could change to be a girl or guy with the click of a button. I could fly, smoke, talk, eat, share, laugh all with other people and not say a word as to who I was or where I came from.

As a high usage consumer of the internet these are the things I love. How are you tapping into these facits of a high user of the internet on your website and through your internet marketing. If you can:

1. Ensure your website is on all the time - Get yourself a decent web hosting company if you dont already have your website up ALL the time. Email me if you like and I will sort you out.

2. Give something away for FREE - Give me something. Anything. But make it free and worthwhile. Give me more value than you would normally receive if I didnt give away my personal details. I want a FREE report on the 10 most frequently travelled to destinations around Australia, give me 7 ways to save money with a low rate credit card or just give me a good review of your top 5 products.

3. Give it to them now - If your website requires human interaction your slowing the speed of gratification down. Give it to them when they want it i.e. when they buy it. The more you can automate the better. I know there is more cost and investment but plan for it. Scale up slowly. Ebay would die if it didnt give you instant gratification.

4. Dont make me tell you how many cats I have - If your asking too many personal questions your not letting me stay anonymous. If your giving away a free report let me put a random email address in. I know its not going to be as higher quality email database BUT your ebook or Free report should be good enough that they return back to your website. Let me make the choice of whether to return or not. Keep investing and improving your materials and you will see those repeat visitors coming back anonymously but with their wallets open.

How else do you feed the internet addicts?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Live secret recordings from Famous bands streaming FREE

I just found this website that is music streaming (BTW I have adsl 2 at home and it has reopened up the internet to so many new things for me!) so of the most prized recordings from bands such as Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Led Zepplin, Bob Marley and Bob Dylan. There is some golden music here that was recorded by the stage promoters and now streaming live and free for you.

How does this apply to online marketing?
This is a golden example of good content. It took me a while to understand what good content meant. Every says good content and I always thought, oh yeah, write something meaningful and exciting. Golden content isnt that. Its where you just have to get to the nearest web browser type in the URL and bask in the content. Its the difference between a good product and one you just MUST have. I used to be a World of Warcraft adict and I loved it. I just had to play. I would leave parties to go home and play. That was a golden game. I just had to peel myself off it because it took over my life.

Get in quick on this website because the lawyers are trying to shut it down!!

Seen any golden content recently?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ashes Cricket Weetbix

We launched the Ashes Cricket website and it is turning into a glowing success. Key success elements:

1. Ashes Cricket Microsite - A microsite like this ensures that visitors dont get lost in all the other content weetbix provides. This way there is a place for visitors to easily go.

2. Ashes Download - This is a desktop application that sits on peoples desktop and sends them updates whenever a wicket falls. This is great for the user connection and continuing an ongoing relationship with the visitor of the website. I personally think having something on the customers desktop is very powerful and is a massive brand extension for Weet-bix just being a tv commercial and box of cereal!

3. Ashes On pack Competition - The competition does around 900 entries per day. Its a great traffic driver for the website and gets people to the website. The sheer depth of the website and other elements to it builds that engagement.

4. Brett Lee Ashes Bowling Game - This flash game is superb! Its very addictive. It comes more from the mindset of the bowler and allows you to think and play like a bowler. Its quite mathmatical and has some good smarts built into it.

Let me know what you think?

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Text banners are useless right? Wrong!

"Text banners are boring... they're not going to get anyone's attention. We should have an animated banner that grabs people's attention!". Is that statement really true?

While I was doing some research I stumbled across an IBM banner that I really liked. You may have seen this before.

The screenshot below shows the IBM banner ad to the right of the page (click on screenshot forExample of IBM HTML bannera larger version). It looks like a special feature of the ZDNet Australia website. Would you believe it? There's not one bit of animation in it! No sound, no video, no huge images.

It's an HTML banner that's clean, simple, and shows off how IBM generates results for its clients. The banner is full of invitations for the viewer to click through to the IBM site. It goes against all the Flashy, animated, in your face banner ads that we see nowadays.

This example shows that not all banners need to be flashy, entertaining, or have shock value. Banner ads need to be able to communicate to the right people at the right time. If being a simple HTML banner ad with barely any imagery and no animation is the way to go, then do it.

Don't get me wrong though. Flashy, entertaining banners have their place, but perhaps not so much for IBM, especially on the ZDNet website. ZDNet readers are there for news, information, and ideas for solutions. Don't waste the reader's time on anything but that.

So if you're considering a banner ad campaign as part of your online marketing, take time to talk to your agency. Assuming you have a marketing plan all ready, here are some things to ask yourself and your agency:
  • What are you trying to achieve with the banner campaign? Do you want to build brand awareness, customer database, brand reinforcement, or a sale?
  • What will be the best way to measure success? Results of a follow-up market survey, number of subscriptions, leads/enquiries, or number of sales?
  • Will I want to reach all my target markets, just one, or a select few?
  • What do I want to tell each of my target market(s)?
  • Which websites will provide you with the best exposure to reach your target market(s)? Your agency should have a good idea of what may be most appropriate.
  • What placement can I acquire on these sites and how will the timing coincide with our marketing plans? Your agent will find this information out for you. It would help if you had an idea of when you want to run your banner campaign.
  • What banner creative will best communicate our message to the target audience? Your agency will provide you with a couple of concepts based on your brief.
You know already that it's all about going back to marketing basics. Don't be afraid to explore simple HTML banners if you feel that it will work for your next campaign. Flashy isn't always going to give you the results you're after.

An Online Marketing Success Story of Adopting Sheep

Sheep Starving
"Adopt me?"

Here is a story that is happening right now. My friend Michael Kiely has a farm full of sheep, and unless you have been living under a rock you will know that there is no water its dryer than my mouth when I wake up in the morning after a tough night boozing. So what he decided to do was allow people to adopt his sheep! (

This new campaign has been spurred by using email marketing to Michael's Thought Of The Day list (A golden read), A great blog, Some serious blog posting, Some press releases and a good bit of old follow-up and some good old Word Of Mouth.

Michael's PR was so successful that he was on the Channel 7 News!!

Adopt A Sheep On the Homepage of Yahoo!7 News. Video Story about Adopt a Sheep

Thursday, November 30, 2006

How to Build a Profitable Online Relationship with Customers: Part 1

It takes at least 7 visits to your website before someone purchases something from it.

In support, comScore Networks V.P. John Miniati said at this year’s IR Conference, "People don’t always convert in the same web session when searching." Their study found that only 17% of search-initiated sales (mostly movie tickets and flowers) occurred during the same web session. 20% occurred in later online sessions and 63% in latent offline purchases.
John Miniati, vice president, comScore Networks Inc.

Now even though I am a high-end web user, my own personal experience confirms this. At the moment I am looking at buying an information product, online. It costs US$997.

The person who wrote it is renowned for being a guru in his space. On his website there are near 100 testimonials extolling the product’s virtues and value. But, I still haven’t purchased it. These are some of the things I have done:

• I have googled his name, visited his website and looked over the materials at least 3 separate times.
• I have read reviews about the product on others’ websites.
• I have looked through affiliate sites and read tips on the product by those who are currently using it.
• I have researched the supporters’ websites to confirm their authenticity and see how their business is performing as a result of applying this product’s instructions.

I guess I want to get as much information and ensure this is the right product for me, before I purchase. At the end of the day I am going to have to take that leap of faith and just try the product. There is a money back guarantee but I am very skeptical about those kinds of things.

The concept I want to show you is that you need a lot more than just information and a ‘buy now’ button to persuade customers to transact on your website.

You need every single piece of evidence to build credibility about you and your product/s. This information is partly what will convince customers to buy from your website.

The other factors are a) a decent product, and b) potentially the most important element – a genuine relationship with your customer.

A relationship is defined as: – “A connection, association, or involvement.

In order to start the relationship we need to get a connection, association or involvement with this other person. In everyday, a business relationship is built on the following milestones.

First Contact – By accident or design you meet, exchange contact details and a first meeting is set up. The relationship has the ingredients (contact details) to begin. The communication using these contact details is the basis upon which the relationship can be formed. Interactions follow, which build and grow this relationship.

First Meeting – Following from the exchange of details you meet and get to know each other further. At this point you haven’t yet worked together but feel it may be possible, so a proposal is requested – the relationship is new and fragile.

Proposal written and received – At proposal stage you receive pricing estimates, detailed solutions and can begin to place some sort of value on the relationship; its future costs and benefits. If the proposal is pursued, the relationship becomes an “involvement”.

If the proposal is not accepted, efforts can still be made to build the connection or association. For example, if a supplier and ourselves were to partner up and pitch for a particular piece of business, to the person receiving the pitch we would be associated with each other. This association is only in infant stage as it hasn’t yet been tested although it still exists.

On the other hand, if I were to simply meet this supplier at a networking event and introduce him to a third-party, our relationship at this point would be described as a “connection”.

How do I replicate these face-to-face contact experiences online?

The above example is a very physical way of explaining relationship building although the same principles apply online.

First Contact – You might search, receive an email, click on a banner ad or hear from someone else about a particular website. The key thing here is that you have the contact details of the domain name. Hopefully on the website you can get more contact details to extend the communication to other mediums like telephone, mail or face to face.

First Meeting – A visit to a company’s website is your first meeting. Just like when I first went to the information product’s website for the first time. I met the company for the first time and I scoured through their website.

However, this is where ‘real-life’ and ‘virtual-life’ differ. Although we are having a ‘meeting’, I have yet to introduce myself to the online company. At this moment I – as the consumer – have the company’s details, but they don’t have mine. Only 1 way communication is possible.

The only way they can follow-up and take me to the ‘proposal stage’ is by capturing my (the consumer’s) contact details. In order to foster the relationship they need some way of contacting me and continuing the conversation.

As an online company, what can you offer to get those contact details?

A FREE enewsletter – If people opt-in to your newsletter signup they are interested in what you have to say. Sure, some competitors might opt-in but in general, anyone who opts-in will be very interested to hear and read about what you have to say.

A FREE eBook – Wrap up all that initial information you would normally give a prospective client in a first meeting into an ebook. An ebook has 1 rule, “It must contain high quality information or you will lose ALL credibility with your subscriber.” These ebooks do take some time to prepare although they are a master capture device for contact details once you get it them and running.

FREE articles related to your product or service – You are an expert in your space, and as a prospective customer I want to hear what you have to say. I want to see how your products/services might benefit me. A great thing to realise here is that anyone who provides their contact details because they want to read your articles is very interested in what you have to say. Your credibility as an expert is increased immediately and the prospective customer will be more interested in building a relationship with you.

A FREE download – Giving away a trial version of your software or a free version of a little software tool to help them is a superb way to collect contact details if you are selling software.

What I like about it is that the visitor can experience what your company is like to work with by using your software. I also like the tangible nature of an actual piece of software being installed on their computer. This is a good sign of relationship potential as they had the confidence to install your software on their computer. I would say that this is an “involvement” with you. If you were to meet this person who has downloaded and installed your software and have a chat with them you wouldn’t be coming in cold. They might say, “Oh I know your company I have been using your trial software for ages.” This is a relationship that has been going on without you knowing.

Sparking that 2 way relationship

You have collected their contact details, they might have started an involvement but you haven’t spoken back yet. To build that relationship and not let it fizzle out Send them an email. You must be tactical with what you send them but say something back. Your communication is enabling that customer to build a connection with your company. If for example you were to meet this person at an event and you said you were from XYZ company they might say, “Oh, I know your company I downloaded your ebook and you sent me a mail the other day that really inspired me to reconsider my options about your product.” You are not a stranger, you have a connection with this person.

How do you get an online customer to look at your proposal?

Just as with the face-to-face example, when your customer has expressed an interest in you, you need to give them your proposal. At this point they are clearly interested in building a “more intimate” relationship with you. The online way of doing this is to include an offer in your email.

An offer is a proposal shortened to a good headline, linking to a web page with more details. Your proposal/offer needs to be in line with what you have been discussing in your communications. You don’t want to be randomly discussing a completely different product.

Once they have accepted your offer this is not the end of the relationship. Customers like to continue to building confidence in you. They may repeat purchase, or if yours is a one-time-use product (such as laser eye surgery) they could refer you to friends and family – especially if rewarded for doing so. So after they have accepted your offer, send a thank you email.

If they don’t accept your offer there are other ways to continue building the relationship and we will address these in later chapters. However the key steps covered in this session are to:

1. Get online browsers to give you their contact details
2. Email them in response to their action/request and include an offer
3. Reply with a thank you (or follow-up) email.

Get started with these steps and by the time that “How to build an online relationship with customers: Part 2” reaches you, you will have many consumer leads upon which to implement my next chapter. See you next time.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How to see the Online Marketing Seminar?

If you weren't able to go to the seminar on the 15th of November you can still signup and pay on the webstie to receive the videocast and podcast and the other benefits. Its still $49 but you can watch it whenever you like. I have had around 30 people do this even though around 85 people attended the seminar itself.

Purchase the videocast and podcast of the seminar

Monday, November 20, 2006

How to build a niche market forum business? Interview: Mark Doust from

I like interviewing webmasters from time to time to find out some info about them and their web businesses. Following is an interview with Mark Doust who runs a web forum for people with new web businesses. Some great advice in here that I think is valuable especially on how to get started. Very interesting method of promotion in terms of referral marketing and article PR.

If you run more than one website. What is the name and URL of your primary website?
Site Reference ( is easily the largest website that I am associated with. I am also working on and, although these are more hobby sites at this time.

The internet provides access to global audiences and markets. Where are you located and is your market influenced by your location?
I am located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Although my market is not influenced directly by my location, I always find it fascinating to see the demographics of my visitors.

What were the circumstances that led you to start your site/online business?
Initially I got started on my own sites/businesses after I found myself without a job. It is amazing how much motivation you can have when next month's rent depends on making some money. I have actually always been involved in some business venture in one way or the other. I love the process of starting something, growing a business, and watching it morph into something entirely on its own. I promise you that at any given moment, I am working on at least two or three new projects.

What does this site do?
Site Reference is a resource for webmasters with a concentration on the newer website owner. We offer advice on web design, search enigne optimization, and various marketing methods. We also have built an extremely useful community of users in our forums.

Is this your only site?
Sometimes I wish it was. :) I always have new sites being built.
Are you a full time web business person or do you have other income as well?
I am a full time web business person and have been fulltime since 2003.

There are many methods of promotion for website. What do you do and which do you think are the most effective?
Well there is no single answer to this question – it depends entirely on your website. What works for an information based site like Site Reference will not necessarily work for a retail website.

Site Reference depends almost entirely on people referring other people to the site. We try to publish high quality articles which others will refer to their friends, talk about in forums they participate in, or link over to in their blogs. This has been extremely effective for us for years and will certainly be a corner stone of the site's continued growth.
But as I said, of each of the many methods available, I am not too partial to any one in particular. I think PPC is a great promotion method if you are selling a product or service with a known value. Article marketing (if done correctly) can be extremely good if you are selling an informational product.
But if I were to talk about my favorite and least favorite, it would break down like this:

Favorite Marketing/Promotion Method:
Referral marketing/viral marketing/public relations. This is so powerful, and so cost effective, it is easily my favorite method of marketing. Unfortunately, it is also one of the more difficult methods to master (I certainly have not yet mastered it). The web's most popular services and sites today grew as a result of referral marketing.

Least Favorite Marketing Method:
SEO. This may surprise some people, especially since I focus a lot of my time personally on SEO. The problem that I see with this method is that people tend to rely on search engines making sales for them. It makes absolutely no sense to base your business's success on the whims and fancies of another company that you have no control over. Don't get me wrong, SEO is great – I love SEO as a bonus to any marketing campaign, but I would never base the success of my business on a search engine.

What techniques did you use in the beginning to launch the site?
Site Reference was built using article marketing almost exclusively. Article marketing falls under that referral/public relations in my opinion. If you write quality material that actually helps people, you will quickly find that you will be looked to as a resource.

What are your main sources of revenue from the site?
Ad sales are the primary revenue from the site, although the site does fairly well with affiliate product sales and adsense revenue.

Where do you see key opportunities in the future for revenue?
Really just an expansion of the advertising sales. Site Reference is recognized by literally hundreds of thousands of website owners. At the same time, we try to keep our ad rates extremely reasonable that our advertisers can see a real return on their investment.

Where do you see yourself in a few years time?
I'm sure my wife would like to know the answer to this one as well. When I look back on where I was five years ago, I never would have thought I am where I am today. So where will I be in a few years? I honestly don't know. I see no reason to believe that I won't be building new sites that will hopefully help people in some way.

If you could give two pieces of advice to aspiring or new webmasters/internet business owners, what would they be?
  1. Just get it done. I talk to so many people who say that they want to work for themselves or get something started, but they never do anything about it. When I was first starting out on the Internet, I had a full-time job which involved the Internet. So after a full day of work online, I would come home and spend an additional 6 – 7 hours working on my computer. It certainly was not fun, but the work needed to be done.
    If you really want to start something, realize that you just need to get it started. Plan your steps, but most importantly start doing and stop saying that you want to do.
  2. Do not be afraid of technology. Learning the technical side of the Internet (such as how the Internet works, how to manage the basics of a webserver, learning HTML/CSS and a basic programming language) is invaluable. Do not be afraid of it – it is actually easier to learn than you may think. Iniitally it will seem completely foreign, but as you continue to expose yourself to it and play around with technology, it becomes quite easy to manage.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Online Branding in the 21st Century

I had a couple of interesting conversations at the seminar the other day, one in particular about the idea that I was ignoring branding and its importance. It got me thinking at the time and I wasn’t too sure how to respond. I have been thinking more and more about this concept of branding and how un-important it is compared to 20 years ago. I have a feeling that a lot of marketers are still thinking that families are all sitting together in front of the television eating their dinner together.

Family watching television together in the 1980’s

I used to do this with my family as we watched all of the sit coms together. I think its important to state that things might have changed just a little and marketers might want to just take a look at some of the changes in media consumption. There is more than just the television now and there is one emerging media called the internet that is making a big change. I personally prefer to surf on the internet than to watch ad infested television. I will watch a DVD or record something with Foxtel iQ rather than watch free to air television. I almost feel that watching free to air television is like the lowest rung when I want to be entertained. If I am watching free to air television I feel I am scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I was speaking with a client yesterday and I asked them if they have seen some of the latest things McDonalds were doing. They said, “No, I haven’t seen it because I don’t watch television anymore.” He doesn’t watch television? Have you noticed more and more people saying this these days. 20 years ago you would never have heard anyone say that they don’t watch television. Television was the way in which everyone connected and had something to talk about. We talked about the shows and watched them at the same time from our own homes. Because everyone was watching and all at the same time it made sense to just advertise then and cover everyone. It was a very smart way to advertise if you had the money because you hit so many people all at once. I found back then that I didn’t have much choice in what I could purchase because I only was provided with one medium television to choose from. All the brands that were shown on television were the brands I knew existed and so I would make my limited selection from them. The situation now is that I can go onto Google and type in a type of product and be presented with a whole host of different choices. I couldn’t care if I knew of the brand or not because I will just read the reviews of someone else who has purchased this product before. I don’t have to listen to one medium I can just get the information I need myself.

This change in consumers being able to get more choice and information more easily has dramatically changed the way in which consumers purchase. If you remember everyone sitting together watching television, think of what you do now. Before you make a purchase or go somewhere do you find yourself going online to get more information? When you go online do you get more choice? As the consumer gets used to using even more advanced forms of this process (e.g. reading reviews, writing reviews and rating products/companies), I think you will see branding become even less powerful. The key now is more niche targeted products and services which were not possible before without the internet.

Where do you think branding is going?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thank you for attending the seminar

online marketing seminar picture 3

online marketing seminar picture 3

How to view your website like a search engine
Great to see so many people at the seminar on Wednesday. It was a massive success with lots of positive feedback I have received.

Viewing your website without CSS
I flagged in the seminar that I would tell you about how to see your site without CSS style sheets. Now if you use Internet explorer download this program and if you use firefox download this program.

Download the toolbar then browse to your website of choice. Then click CSS - Disable/Remove Styles. This will disable the style sheets and you will be able to see that particular website without style sheets. When I looked at my own site I was shocked!

Do you have any questions that you didnt get a chance to ask at the event?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Last Chance For Internet Marketing Course

We have 97 spots taken for the seminar. If you are looking to come along you had better get your ticket QUICK! 3 more are out there, then I am going to have to close it down.

Book your ticket now Internet Marketing Course

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fred Schebesta awarded Australian Young Direct Marketer of the year

Last night at the ADMA Awards night I was announced the Australian young Direct marketer of the year for 2006. After winning the NSW Young Direct Marketer of the year I went into another round of interviews and presentations. I had to present work that we at Freestyle Media had done and show the following criteria:

  • Knowledge of the direct marketing discipline
  • Success in applying it
  • Contribution to the industry
  • Ability to be an ambassador for the Association as the winner will represent ADMA overseas

Last night at the award night at the State theatre in Sydney it all felt very surreal. Over 750 people listened and heard myself announced as the young direct marketer of the year. I had to give an acceptance speech which I loved doing. (I love public speaking.) I said in my speech that it was a sign of the times that a online marketer could be announced as the Young direct marketer of the year. (This comment started some good conversation with the print people afterwoods!) I then went on to thank the Freestyle Media team for all their contributions to winning this award. I said that without them this award would never have been possible. From the web design, web development, copywriting, media buying, search marketing, finance, admin, accounting and internet marketing this all contributed to making the award possible. I concluded with thanking Michael Kiely for his tutorlidge and Rob Edwards for his forsight in seeing where direct marketing is headed. I thanked the clients I have worked with including Sanitarium, Laser Sight, University of Newcastle, Qantas Holidays, McDoanlds Australia and am looking forward to delivering more award winning work for new ones.

I appreciate everyones support throughout these times and look forward to the internet marketing seminar which I will be able to help a lot of corporate businesses unlock the potential of their online marketing.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Email Marketing tools who do you use?

If you have read my email list building post I am sure you are wondering what tools we use. When it comes to professional email marketing using outlook or some dodgy mailer is not the key. It gets easily blocked by spam guards and there is no reporting. When you are getting serious I recommend using a professional mailing program. Freestyle Media have used a lot of different providers over the time although we have settled with Campaign Master for our corporate clients. They are a little bit more expensive as compared to the others (1 or 2 cents per email) although they are well worth it when it comes to reliably delvering mail to your customers.

Here are the 4 things to look for when choosing your email marketing provider:

  1. Deliverability – Campaign master have a team of whitelist experts brokering deals for your emails with ISP’s to ensure that they don’t get blocked by SPAM guards. A lot of email marketing providers have a certain deliverability rate but don’t have a team of people who ensure that the ISP’s accept your emails. This is the main reason why I choose Campaign Master
  2. Ease of use – If the program isn’t easy to use don’t bother. I have heard of some of our clients spending over 4 hours on a mailout because the system was so cumbersome.
  3. Reporting – I like graphs and click through numbers. I know you can do lots of fancy analysis but I just prefer getting an indication of whats happening not so much a definitive answer. I just don’t think you can expect a single emailout to tell you everything there is to know about your customers. It takes time you need to learn from each activity 1 small thing and slowly build the knowledge up until, like Michael Kiely says, you can walk into a crowd of people and you can walk up and talk to the people who are your customer.
  4. Cost – When it comes to cost I think about what and how many I am delivering and choose a provider to match. If you are just sending a text email go the cheapest you can get, but if you are sending an HTML (multipart – text and HTML wrapped together which “degrades gracefully” depending on the email viewing software the user has) I would use a more sophisticated program like Campaign Master.
Let me know what is important to you with your email marketing?

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Analytics for an Online Marketer from Panalysis

As you can see my internet marketing seminar is heating up and I am getting a few questions about who Panalysis are. It’s a good question if you want to become a better online marketer. Panalysis are a web analytics company headed up by Rod Jacka. Rod is a guru when it comes to identifying and leveraging website traffic statistics to improve your online marketing. I love his software that tells you where people are clicking and his use of ClickTracks will blow you out of the water. He can quickly identify the advertising campaigns that bring visitors to your site that make you money and those that don’t.

Clicktracks is an online marketing guru’s dream product as it tells you exactly where people are clicking on your website. Even better it can help you to identify and prevent click fraud, Rod has a lot to say on this matter. Rod will be at the seminar and we are also holding another analytics workshop on the 24th of November although this has very limited places.

When it comes to choosing an analytics provider here are 3 tres important things to consider.
  1. Analysis paralysis – Don’t invest in too much heavy analytics software if your not going to be analysing your site all day long. That is why I like Clicktracks because it’s lightweight but can crunch out the stats for you.
  2. Consistency brings insight – If you are going to start analysing your stats do it with regularity otherwise you lose your insights. You might pick up on 2 or 3 trends from a quick analysis but you will only gain insight if you follow these monthly or at least quarterly.
  3. Only the hardcore analyse – If you’re not a hardcore online marketer or if you don’t want to be don’t bother with web analytics. It’s best for people looking to increase their conversion rates and guide users to the right places on their website. If you just want to get a website up and throw out a couple of enewsletters don’t bother.

5 things to check daily with your marketing

These are 5 things I check daily for clients and for our businesses:

1. Number of Sales - I check signups/sales/leads or whatever the metric that all marketing is determined on for a particular client. With Laser Sight Centres its all about laser eye surgery bookings. How many today versus yesterday.

2. Website traffic - I check my blogs traffic almost daily. I check the following metrics:
  • Recent camefroms - What webpages did people recently come from
  • Recent keywords - What keywords did people type in to get to my blog
  • Amount of traffic - The actual volume of traffic that went to the blog
3. Signups to email database - I check signups to email databases almost as religiously as number of sales. Anyone who downloads your whitepapers/signs up to your list or any other way you are capturing interested peoples email details are interested. The more interested people you are speaking to the better.

4. Search engine listings - I type in my clients main search engine keywords every 2 days. I couldnt tell you how many times I have typed "laser eye surgery" into Google!

5. Competitive Search engine listings - I always check at the same time on the natural listings to see how my clients competitors are going on the engines and if they have decided to bite the bullet and just buy up the keywords. If they are already buying up keywords, I check to see what they are running for their landing pages and what their ads are saying.

What do you check?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Live Human Search Engine ChaCha

I am not normally this excited but this blew me away! ChaCha is a human search engine where a person does the searching for you. I felt bad using the service asking the person to go and find things and off they went searching through google. It was very kind of them as I asked them to find me some forumlas on "Latent semantic indexing Mathmatical formulas". It was very kind of them to find me stuff and I feel guilty that I was that lazy to use the service.

I see this as an interesting step in humanity where not only can we not be bothered to read through books for information we now get other humans to go and find it for us.

Let me know your experience with the service.

Internet Marketing Seminar update
Tickets are starting to be sold to the seminar although there are still quite a few left. Some new sponsors are coming on board and I will post about soon.

Online Marketing Course Website

I have been working hard on the seminar website trying to perfect it and take in everyones feedback. I would be super keen on your feedback about the online marketing course page as its new and as the creator sometimes you miss the easiest things.

The team has also been busily working on the Weet-bix Ashes website which has over 28,000 words in it as we have covered the history of the Ashes. Its phenominal!

Golden Triangle of Websites

One thing that I have recently read about is the Golden triangle of Google when it comes to search engine placement for SEO and SEM. This phenominon is called the Golden triangle because people who use Google do so in a fashion that if you track their eye movements it makes a triangle around the top search results.

As you can see from the diagram above the Golden Triangle of Google is a real thing. It doesnt just pay to be the number one listing, it prints money!

More Information about the Golden Triangle of Google

The key location on Google for visibility as determined by the eye activity in the study is a triangle that extends from the top of the results over to the top of the first result, then down to a point on the left side at the bottom of the "above the fold" visible results. This key area was looked at by 100 percent of the participants. In the study, this was referred to as the "Golden Triangle". Generally, this area appears to include top sponsored, top organic results and Google's alternative results, including shopping, news or local suggestions.

Visibility dropped quickly with organic rankings, starting at a high of 100% for the top listing, dropping to 85% at the bottom of the "above the fold" listings, and then dropping dramatically below the fold from 50% at the top to 20% at the bottom.

Organic Ranking Visibility

(shown in a percentage of participants looking at a listing in this location)

Rank 1 – 100%
Rank 2 – 100%
Rank 3 – 100%
Rank 4 – 85%
Rank 5 – 60%
Rank 6 – 50%
Rank 7 – 50%
Rank 8 – 30%
Rank 9 – 30%
Rank 10 – 20%

Eye scan and click through behavior changes dramatically as users moved "below the fold" to the section of results that required scrolling down. At the top of the page, the amount of eye movement declined rapidly through the top 4 or 5 results, and then at the bottom of the screen, tends to become more consistent through to the end of the page.

In searches where top sponsored results are returned in addition to right sponsored ads, the top ads received much higher visibility, being seen by 80 to 100% of participants, as opposed to 10 to 50% of participants who looked at the side sponsored ads.

On side sponsored ads, the top ranked results received much more in the way of both eye activity and click through. About 50% of participants looked at the top ad, compared to only 10% who looked at ads in the 6, 7 or 8th location on the page.

Side sponsored ad visibility

(shown in percentage of participants looking at an ad in this location)

1 – 50%
2 – 40%
3 – 30%
4 – 20%
5 – 10%
6 – 10%
7 – 10%
8 – 10%

There seems to be a "F" shaped scan pattern, where the eye tends to travel vertically along the far left side of the results looking for visual cues (relevant words, brands, etc) and then scanning to the right if something caught the participant's attention.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Online Marketing Seminar

Today we launched the new Online marketing seminar website!

You can register for the event now.

The seminar came to be after I won the NSW ADMA Young Direct Marketer of the Year award. This sparked a lot of interest and everyone was asking me how an online marketer won a direct marketing award. I think that is a sign of the times now that online marketing is becoming a recognised discipline of direct marketing. I am very focused on electronic direct marketing, I would not say that I am a big online advertising man. So after winning the award everyone asked me what things won me the award. I have broken the elements down into 11 things. I can these my online marketing secrets. The seminar is all about these 11 secrets. Its $49 to attend so it won't break the bank but it will give you a great insight into how to market your business online.

Unfortunately one of my secrets the 7th - "Increasing click through & conversion through paid search marketing" was accidently leaked in an email I sent. You can download it for free on the seminar page.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Do you Yahoo? What I like about Yahoo! Advertisements

I am a massive .com advocate and so I just LOVE the Yahoo! ads. They arent that present in Australia although I do remember a few of them. Thanks to our global citizen media here is my favourite advertisement from Yahoo! proudly presented by YouTube.

Yahoo Advertisement

What I like is 2 things

1. Brand Promise - Ok from that ad it promises me you can just about do anything from Yahoo!. I think thats a little tall without some serious commitment to follow-through. You could find out about anything you like from Yahoo! although you would need to actually go and do it.

2. YahooooooooooooHoooooo! - I LOVE that part of the ad. I sing it all the time. I feel more a part of the internet everytime I sing it. Its like I am singing the mantra of the .com boom and resurgance all at the one time. Its iconic in my mind of the potential of online and it will one day be a relic/a benchmark of onlines evolution.

Go forth .com Marketers and dominate!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Online Marketing Strategy - Email List Creation #2

Welcome to the second instalment of Creating an Email List. To recap: you have a little website and some channels pointing to it, sending you web traffic. Converting website visitors into database signups is the key now.

First let me flag 1 thing: although I have written about acquisition channels it is advisable to setup your conversion pages before you start sending traffic to your website. Traffic is expensive and although the internet is still the wild, wild west right now, it is going to get more expensive. In the good old days late night TV advertising spots were FREE. But not now. It is currently the big gun. One day the web will be too. And then it will cost you. So let's get our practice in while we can..

What is Conversion?

Website Conversion is getting your website visitors to give you their email address and allowing you to contact them. In these days of heavy spamming, that sounds like a pretty tall order but if you give people the content they want, they'll be begging you for more.

Think about the kind of content that you would like when you signup for emails. I already do this. I am a big fan of internet marketing and so I signup to some really niche specialists: some on blogging, some on affiliate and some on adsense. These emails keep me enthused. They keep me passionate and help me to keep learning. I challenge myself and subscribe to the theory of always learning and these emails are my tool to do that. So, when I visit others' websites and see that I can signup to their email list I do it. Because I know it will help me to develop.

Now I also like other things - like music - and I signup to this cool Music Review website which sends me a newsletter all the time and keeps me up to date with the latest music. I subscribed to a lot of others but The Elevenmagazine crowd just have this raw energy about them that just keeps me reading each week.

Lets have a closer look at this website: uses calls to action to entice users to subscribe to their database.

2 calls to action are on the ElevenMagazine homepage which entice users in. The basic "Subscribe here" call to action on the right hand side is the ever present call to action to get the user to subscribe. The second call to action is the current promotion that is running in the header where you can win a CD just for subscribing. So not only do you get great content but also a chance to win. These are 2 great ways to get subscribers in and not just let them click off from your website.

Get them in before they leave

The key idea here is: that when users visit your website they are looking for something. The worst thing you can have them do is click on and click off - what I call, "go to the moon" (the little blue moon in the previous diagram.) I always suggest putting things in place that convert these users into signups. The more compelling and enticing your offers, the better you will convert.

Next post I will give you some tips on that conversion page and what increases and decreases conversion.

If you enjoyed this content and want to be reminded of more just signup below. I will also throw in a reminder of my up coming in-person seminar I am holding in Sydney.

Online Marketing Sydney Email Reminder

Don't miss this chance to improve your online marketing. For a limited time I'm offering you:
* FREE online marketing tactics. Free is always good isn't it? ;-)
* Early bird ticket offers to my seminars to save you money
* Email reminders of online marketing strategies so you're the most up to date

Your privacy is 100% secure. I personally hate SPAM and will never spam you.

Fred Schebesta
15 Barr Street, Balmain, NSW, 2041. Call me anytime 02 9818 7300

P.S. If you have any problems or want to discuss something just post a comment and myself and the other readers will help out.

Previous Post
Online Marketing Strategy - Email Listing Building #1

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Online Christmas Game for Marketing Purposes

If you are looking to build a christmas game or perhaps a funny eCard to send to your clients here are some samples to look at.

Bounce the presents into Santas sleigh!
This game got a HUGE response and the top scores that were recorded must have meant people were playing this well into the night and during work hours. With the highscore engine and great graphics in this one you would be looking at around $5-6k to build something comparable.

Santa down the chimney
(Love the sound effects with this one!)
This is a fun game and the sound effects make it great. This caused a storm of comedy and viralness in the financial community when people could send Santa down the burning chimney! This game cost around $4k mark. Not as complicated although quite funny!

Juggle the football
This game worked really well for the World cup and again got a great response rate. This game had some great 3D effects and something much more christmassy and fun would cost around $4.5k. E.g. I would Get presents and juggle them and add in more presents as the number of juggles increased.

All these games would be fully branded in your company colours and branding. If a game is too much on the old budget I would suggest just doing a funny flash eCard with Santa and your brand. Perhaps putting Santa into a funny situation with his elves and reindeer, some nice flash animation and some music always go down well. Something clean and fun like this with some good animation and sound would cost around $2700.

All things considered when you look at your printing, postage and admin work the old flash game tends to be quite cost effective considering the effect it will have with your customers.

Christmas games are great if you really want to stand out this xmas and bring a bit of a cheer to your clients faces. I think the viral element of it is great and its just different and fun. I think the christmas card with a pre-printed signature is kinda boring and just makes me feel old each time I recieve them from other people. Online Christmas games are fun because they engage your audience and you get to show the personal side of your company to your customers.

3 tips for making a great online christmas game for your marketing

1. Think about how you are going to deliver your game - Building a game is easy. Promoting it again needs to be thought of. I always suggest a nice HTML and text based email announcing the game to your customers. If you use your email list this will have a great response!

2. Budget to be remembered - Great games cost lots of money ($50k). For christmas I would suggest something between $5-7k. This will get you a good game, a highscore calculator and a forward to a friend functions. Something fun and zippy like this is suggested to have the right level of impact and be remembered over those crappy printed generic cards. The $3-5k games are good too and they will have a good effect although they arent going to last very long. They also tend to be a little less viral.

3. Remember your metrics - I suggest collecting some metrics on your game. The following are a good starting point:

  • Number of times played
  • Number of forward to friends
  • Time spent playing the game

Again if you are interested in getting a game this Christmas going. Now is the perfect time to start discussing, send me an email at Freestyle Media to discuss further

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Online Marketing Strategy - Email List Creation #1

The following post is all about building an email list. I am going to do a few posts on this topic and give you examples of how to build a list up.

Laying the Online Marketing Platform

The Online Marketing Strategy for this email list building needs a solid platform to start with. Key elements of this include:

1. Website - You need a website to online market. Its really tough to get list signups without a website. Key things here are a reliable hosting platform to server your websites content and a content management system to enable you to manage your content. Or better you have a great Agency on retainer and you just get them to do all the work! ;)

2. Database (eCRM) - A database can be as simple as a signup form or a little more complex like an eCRM to capture customer details. We use a simple system for our clients that can capture any detail from any type of form and store it in a database. It also allows you to easily export the list out of the eCRM into Excel. I love playing around with data in Excel because it makes it really easy to see whats going on. Complex online database queiries leave me personally confused and I much prefer the good old Excel.

3. Email Sending platform - When it comes to sending bulk emails I cringe at Outlook BCC'ng. Any professional marketer needs a decent piece of software. We use quite a few different platforms and it all depends on what you are looking for. You get variation in: Deliverability, reporting, cost of send, ease of use and Technical support. To some degree each of these elements comes at a different cost, I personally go for the low cost solution because I know what I am doing and I just need a bulk mailer.

The Online Marketing Strategy

At first this diagram seems a little bit too simple. But on closer inspection and throughout the next few blog entries I will go into a lot more detail about each box. For now I am going to talk through the whole strategy and discuss the flows.

Acquisition Channels

The first thing that is required is to acquire traffic through to your website. The channels I have flagged here are very low cost and effective for trialing any online marketing. Lets look at each one:

Email - Email here refers to email lists that you have already compiled, Other peoples email lists and purchased email lists.

WOM - Word of mouth is always a key element of any marketing and happens naturally when after you get enough buzz around something. A great way to spread WOM is through email as it travels really fast. I also bundle Website blogs, forum posts and articles written about you in this category as someone else is spreading the word of mouth through the online medium.

PR - Public Relations is all about getting into the press and building your profile. You need to get your articles into the media and ensure you have a link in the articles pointing through to your website. Article PR is a great way of doing this and I will go into more detail about this in a later post.

SEM - Search Engine Marketing (I have bundled SEO and SEM together here) is the bread and butter of any online marketing. If you want to drive targetted traffic to your website start with the search engines and work from there.

The key here is to drive these traffic acquisition channels into a website and get the user to take an action. The best actions are ones that result in that person signing up to the database.

Next post I will go into more detail about the website and converting that user into a database member.

Next Post about Website Conversion into Database

Did you find this useful? I am putting on an in-person seminar soon. You can signup below for early bird offers and updates to the online marketing tactics:

Online Marketing Sydney Email Reminder

Don't miss chances to improve your online marketing. For a limited time I'm offering you:
* FREE online marketing tactics. Free is always good isn't it? ;-)
* Early bird ticket offers to my seminars to save you money
* Email reminders of online marketing strategies so you're the most up to date

span style="font-size:85%;">Your privacy is 100% secure. I personally hate SPAM and will never spam you.

Fred Schebesta
15 Barr Street, Balmain, NSW, 2041. Call me anytime 02 9818 7300

Related Articles

How to Build an Email List Part 2

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Get your online marketing ready for Christmas!

Have you thought about how you are going to use online marketing to communicate to your customers this christmas? Here are some suggestions:

1. An online christmas game - These work really well as they are different and a fun way of delivering that christmas message
2. An emailout - A short quick and quirky email always goes down well.
3. Putting Christmas trimmings on your website - This is good because it shows that your website is alive and changing. I personally love a good hint of Santa and christmas cheer throuhgout an ordinarily corporate website.

What other ideas do you have for this christmas?

If you need any help with your online marketing this christmas send me an email and I am sure Freestyle Media can help you out.

Games Examples and Ideas

Get those presents in the sley with this great online christmas game
Perhaps a rejig of something with Santa doing some present laying (Love the sound effects with this one!)
Maybe you could rejig this game to be a lot more christmasy

Monday, October 2, 2006

How to Solution Sell with online marketing

So you want to sell something from your webpage? Do you want to get your user to take some sort of action? Well your going to have to sell it to them in a way that they understand.

There are 4 steps in selling anything (real estate, entreprise IT, cars, vacuum cleaner..) it doesnt matter what the service is everyone buys in the same way.

4 steps to selling on a webpage

1. Need - Establish the need of the user. "Do you want to stop wasting your money with phony print advertisements and start making sales with online marketing?" The need for the user to get into online marketing and start making more and better sales has been established.

2. Solution - Now that you have that need, I have a solution for you. "The easiest way to learn about online marketing is to attend the Fred Schebesta seminar. You will learn .." Provide a solution to the persons need (sometimes called problem) and by some fluke your solution is the service that you provide.

3. Reason - Give me a good reason as to why I should do that? "One good reason why you should learn from Fred Schebesta's online marketing seminar is you will be able to increase your sales effectiveness and conversion rate of your website." The reason as to why you should buy my solution, to your problem.

4. Benefit - The benefit to you of doing this. "The benefit of this to you is that you will decrease your marketing costs and also be able to target a new online user base." The benefit of fixing your problem, with my solution.

Answer each of these 4 items in detail and communicate them clearly and you have yourself a well presented sale. Whether or not someone buy depends on how well you targetted your message to your audience and whether that person has that problem.

I read a famous salesperson who came upon a customer, he said "Hi Mark, are you satisfied with your printing company and could we be of any assistance?"
Customer, "No, we are fine."
The salesman, "Would you say you are satisfied?"
The Salesman, "Well here are 2 telephone numbers of my clients. Call them and ask them how they feel about their printing company. I am sure they will tell you that they are ecstatic! Now, could I have any opportunity to discuss how we can make you feel ecstatic about your printing company?"

The Salesman went on to make a sale and a retained customer for life.

How could you use this information in your business?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Even the great Google makes online marketing errors

I was checking some results on Google and surpisingly got an error! I had never seen this before. Even the titan of the internet can fall sometimes. I just wanted to talk about some other great online marketing blunders. Here is my top 5 list:

  1. Coke Zero fake blogging
  2. PriceRitePhoto debacle in not sending the product and expecting blogging to just fade
  3. Dymocks and Angus and Robertson expecting that online was just a passing trade and letting Amazon take a huge portion of their market share.
  4. Toys R Us not investing in their online division because they thought it was a passing trend
  5. Guy Kowasaki not accepting the CEO position at Yahoo! in its early infancy
What other online marketing disasters in Australia can you think of?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Weet-bix wins Australia's favourite trademark!

Freestyle Media's client Weet-bix has just won the number 1 trademark of Australia. In an online vote people decided that "Aussie kids are Weet-bix kids"!

Other posts about Weet-Bix

Vote for Weet-Bix as the number 1 trademark
Weet-bix Soccer on YouTube

Sunday, September 24, 2006

3 quick ways to increase your website traffic

1. Make your domain name noticeable

Look at the difference between these to domain names:


What do you notice?
1. Each separate word has a capital letter to make it easier to read
2. The .COM.AU is capitalised to help you remember what the domain suffix is

I also suggest you use a domain name that is memorable. I always remember this domain “IfMyMindWasARoom.COM” because its memorable, where as, “BenAndMichaelsGuttering.COM” is not. One final thing it is always good to buy a misspelling of your domain name and the .COM version.

2. Build a database and send an enewsletter with useful tips

An enewsletter is the easiest and fastest way to bring your existing prospects and customers back to your website, thus increasing your traffic. You are looking for marriages here not 1 night stands! To increase your enewsleter list read my article on 101 ways to convert more traffic into signups. When you think about content always think “Is this going to benefit my target market?”

Suggestions for content:
• New articles
• A recent great blog post they may have missed
• News that is relevant to them
• A great forum post
• A special promotion or report

If you don’t want to write your enewsletter get Freestyle Media to write and send it for you.

3. Buy traffic from the search engines

Pay per click advertising in the search engines is a quick technique to getting targeted traffic to your website. Experiment with your search engine marketing agency and just buy a small amount of keywords and test your conversion rate. Once you have an appropriate conversion rate spend a little more with your agency and repeat this process. For more information about search engine marketing read the Freestyle Media search engine marketing guide. If you don’t have a search engine marketing agency, you can get a free quotation from Freestyle Media by simply filling out this search engine marketing quote form.

Know any other quick wins?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Microsoft decides to clip YouTubes wings a little

MSN has decided to take up arms against a sea of YouTube traffic. The Soapbox system is only in its beta version although I am already sceptical of it. If Soapbox Beta functions anything like the previous versions of windows we might be seeing blue screens on our movies. Hey only time will tell how much cash has been invested behind this?

What do you think

Sunday, September 17, 2006

101 ways to convert more traffic into database signups

Here is a list of over 101 ideas that you can use:

1. Free eBook
2. Free Ezine
3. Free chapters
4. Free Print Newsletter
5. Free mini-course (7 part e-course)
6. Free articles
7. Free software
8. Free a list of directories
9. Free downloadable interview
10. Free (recorded presentation)
11. Free update on market trend info (stocks... etc)
12. Free tip sheet
14. Free analysis
15. Free phone consultations
16. Free email consultation
17. Free graphics
18. Free website templates
19. Free graphic buttons
20. Free banner ads
21. Free trail to membership site
22. Free tips
23. Free e-certificate to get discount on products
24. Free advertising space
25. Free CD-Rom
26. Free recipes
27. Free tests
28. Free game
29. Free business cards
30. Free coupons
31. Free catalogs
32. Free magazines
33. Free T-shirts
34. Free toothbrush
35. Free screensavers
36. Free photos
37. Free e-greeting cards
38. Free website backgrounds
39. Free clipart images
40. Free email accounts
41. Free dvds
42. Free ring tones
43. Free cell phones
44. Free video tutorials
45. Free wallpapers
46. Free hosting
47. Free fonts
48. Free desktop themes
49. Free animated graphics
50. Free cartoons
51. Free jokes
52. Free quotes
53. Free beauty samples
54. Free stickers
55. Free computers
56. Free Java scripts
57. Free internet access
58. Free music
59. Free songs
60. Free date reminder service
61. Free digital calendar
62. Free digital calculator
63. Free e-dictionary
64. Free I-pod
65. Free address labels
66. Free Horoscopes
67. Free razors
68. Free scholarships
69. Free poker cards
70. Free job search
71. Free poll
72. Free chat services
73. Free virus protection software
74. Free counters
75. Free trackers
76. Free CGI scripts
77. Free guestbook services
78. Free site monitoring services
79. Free web space
80. Free domain names
81. Free message boards
82. Free URL re-direction service
83. Free Blogging software
84. Free food sample
85. Free vitamins
86. Free tea or coffee or chocolate sample
87. Free recipes
88. Free pizza gift certificate
89. Free travel guides
90. Free Bible passage, daily prayer, daily affirmation
91. Free dating services
92. Free homework help
93. Free translation services
94. Free resume samples
95. Free dial up services
96. Free logos
97. Free tax filing
98. Free legal documents
99. Free messaging services
100. Free business referrals
101. Free weather, water reports, or travel reports

Got anymore ideas? Comments?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fred Schebesta awarded ADMA NSW Young Direct Marketer of the Year for 2006

Tonight I was awarded young direct marketer of the year! I am really happy about this as I have put so much time into becoming an online marketing guru and this acknowledgement makes me feel like I am getting somewhere.

Thank you to ADMA and to all the people who voted for me. A special thank you goes out to Murray Faye at Dore Centres and Frank Restuccia my business partner for all of his support through the years.

I would also like to that Michael Kiely for his guidance and his help and teachings that have helped me get to where I am today.

And finally a MASSIVE thank you goes out to all of the clients I have worked with over the past 5 years in online marketing. Including Laser Sight, Sanitarium, McDonalds, Dore Centres, University of Newcastle and Qantas Holidays.

Media update
19th September - B&T Article "NSW Young Direct Marketer of the year has online edge"

Related Articles

How to build an email list Part 1
Online Marketing Seminar in Sydney

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Can I please have some beer with my advertisement?

Carlton have just brought out their latest advertisement viral campaign.

Now, I couldnt help but look at it. I had to. I wanted to be entertained. Lets see how much beer Carlton beer I will drink now?

I heard a rumour that the Big Huge ad didnt actually pay off for the Carlton guys. I can see the Tooheys ad being flogged to death right now but as I wrote in a previous post about online viral marketing their use of Trebuchets was annoying, I am changing my tune and all I look for is the trebuchets now! I dont even care what the beer is. Just give me deer being launched into clouds with trebuchets!

I think if I was running a beer company I would take a different tact. Try something like this:

HeadOn sales went up 50% after running these ads!

What is your most annoying advertisement?

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Brookers, the video blog star on Youtube goes commercial!

Ok I found Brookers from some random surfing and I have got to say that she makes some totally cool videos. My favourite one was this:

If you dont know about Brookers she is a girl who has made some herself kinda famous through YouTube. She has 18,998 subscribers to her video feed! Most of her videos have been viewed over 1,000,000 times! My favourite video of hers has only been viewed 524,061 times. (Only...)

Her videos got snapped up by a big time Hollywood producer and ever since then has started getting into some commercial acting.

Here is one of her latest gigs with NBC. You have to view her video clip to find the url. Essentially she is judging a video blog contest where entrants have to send in videos of them completing contests like teaching your grand mother to get on the internet and surf around.

I would like to call this an internet personality or perhaps "Internet Star". I really like how she endorses YouTube so much and I also like how she makes fun of boring peoples video blog diaries.

I am thinking of converting to a video format so that I can show you more things. I am looking into purchasing a webcam (a decent one!) to get started.

I am going to be recommending video blogs to many of our clients going forward. The strategy is going to be simple. Video sells better than copy. If you would like to work with Freestyle Media on your video blog strategy email me

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Best Western quadrouples their online marketing spend!

Yes, you heard it right! Best Western are the latest to announce accross the board increases to their online marketing spend! They have found that tourism is just done online these days.

If you are a marketing manager reading this, wondering if you should switch some budget to online. If you haven't been surprised at the results you get from online marketing, "You will be. You ... Will be". (To quote Yoda in star wars)

Welcome Best Western to the Rebel side! The imperial print and Tv are angry. Anger leads to fear. Fear, leads to the dark side of job losses and poor job performance.

If you wish to come to the Rebel side and unlock your companies online marketing opportunities, call me 02 9818 7300 the lines are open.

Monday, August 28, 2006

If content is king, credibility is queen!

I was cooking around some marketing ideas on the weekend. Pinging them back and forth and have coined a new phrase.

"If content is king, credibility is queen!"

What does it mean for your website?

When Bill Gates pitched up content being king everyone jumped on this little blue and white windows wagon and puffed out so much content that no one can manage the sheer volume of it anymore. So Google came along and helped everyone by making it easy to search through the content. Now I do a lot of searching and I am sure you do too. Do you just hate it when you come to a page from Google and the content is just a dog. And the pages with all the popups are dogs with fleas. That is the cyber waste of content being king. The one thing those sites are missing is credibility. I wouldnt touch those popup infested, banner ad flashing websites with a ten foot clown pole.

5 ways to build your website credibility

1. Clear contact us details - Have a easy to navigate clear contact details. Every single detail you have to contact you. Street address, phone, fax, email, Locked bag, dogs kennel address, office former address. If you are a real business I want to know where you are so if I get in trouble I am going to go to it and talk to you.

2. Pictures and believable about us content - You About us page needs to be credible. Have a picture of your office. A picture of your CEO. Some revealing information about your business like where you started and how the idea of the business was originated. Stories are the key.

3. Testimonials with links to real business websites - The key here is the website where the testimonial comes from. If it is possible to verify that person is at that business from the website (e.g. A photo of them is on the website) then it will be even more credible!

4. Third party endorsements and logos - If a third party endorses you with their logo this means that someone else apart from a dodgy self written testimonials likes your business! I like the way Newegg have done their 3rd party endorsements (Look at the bottom). Note Newegg are the 9th biggest internet retailer in the United States with around $500,000,000 of sales in 2005. Not bad for a couple of third party endorsements.

5. Reviews and comments - Real live people making comments and reviewing content or products makes for a believable website. Amazon and Ebay have built their business from trust networks with these 2 simple mechanisms. Reviews of products on Amazon and comments on sellers and buyers in Ebay.

Google has become concerned with their credibility with some of their adwords. The pages that the ads point to have become quite ridiculous and they are starting to stamp this out and improve their credibility.

What else do you use to build trust and credibility?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hit the right note with your blog marketing

Let me tell you the story of how I got into blogging…

It all started when one of my mates, Dylan, began Though quite aggressive in its content, this blog has slowly built up a following of over 1,000 visitors per day.

Dylan and his blog contributors have similar types of humor. They have created a huge following by attracting those with the same humor. “Birds of a feather flock together,” as they say.

This concept was also explained to me by guru marketer, Michael Kiely, using his “Theory of Marketing”. Essentially, he says, each person resonates at a particular note, just like a tuning fork. As they resonate, they naturally attract others who also resonate at that note. The same thing happens when you bring a tuning fork which is resonating, really close to another that is not. The fork that isn’t resonating starts to, because they are on the same wavelength.

Customers are similarly attracted to companies; the company just naturally resonates with them. Look at all the Harley Davidson riders. Look how the customers and company resonate together. Some people prefer Google compared to Yahoo! search engine because it resonates with them.

The key here is to understand what your note is and resonate it through different channels that makes your note sound good. E.g. Google’s corporate blogger, Matt Cutts, is the perfect channel for Google, as their customers are online and the anonymity rings their bell. What is your customers note?

After seeing this phenomenon take place I decided that Freestyle Media clients must have a note, I must have a note and Freestyle Media must have a note. So I launched (Freestyle Media’s official blog). It is designed for corporate online marketers looking for new ideas and a channel to share ideas and build their profile.

Angela Schuster, Online Marketing Manager at has been the first contributor to the blog with a superb article about enewsletter frequency.

Send me the latest Online Marketing Sydney blog entries via email

If you don’t want to visit the blog every day you can simply put your email address in the textbox on the blog site and you will automatically receive the last week’s posts every Tuesday.

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For the more advanced users with RSS readers there is a feedburner link on the site that will enable you to receive the latest posts.
I look forward to seeing you online. Maybe we can make some music together – your tuning fork and mine.


Latest Work at Freestyle Media

So Good Banner advertisements “A taste for Tuscany!” and “So Good Active free sample” banner advertising campaign! View the banner advertising case study

Online Markeitng Review: Surin Restaurant

Tim from Surin Restaurant in Ramsgate, Kent in the UK has asked me to do a review of his online marketing.

Surin Restaurant website -
The Surin Restaurant has A LOT of websites and online activities going on. They have:

Now that to me is an impressive amount of online marketing platforms for a restaurant. But Tim unfortunately with all of your properties that are out there I have to cut this praise short and give you some comments.

Your web properties are not updated or are lacking content. The blog especially needs content. The Restaurant store is superb and the club is a great concept although I just dont have an immediate reason as to why I would want to signup. Give me a reason like group booking bonus bottle of champagne since this is the kind of business you want. Large orders looking to spend lots of money on alcohol (high margin).

I also want to see more search engine marketing. I cant seem to find you on
Thai Restaurant in Google.

I have signed up to the club and we will see what kinds of offers I get?

0.5 / 5 - Good start to the marketing and ideas but needs some delivery and updates.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Farm out your SEO and SEM dont do it inhouse

A recent article in B2B talks about a key insight. "If the guy who is fixing your computer does your SEO and SEM aswell you need to find yourself a specialist.". I whole hardedly agree because I am a search engine marketer myself. It has take me 3 years to gain the knowledge I now have about search engines and this knowledge is gathered from all over the place. For some reason there is no course or book you can read about search engine optimisation that will tell you all the answers. This is because that information is worth more implemented by that person than sold to someone else.

I am really quite concerned about the interest in search engine marketing right now and how much big mainstream media agencies are struggling with the concept. They just have no idea. Its offending me. Big media agencies game is a volume game. They need to sell as much media as possible to make money.

I would never go to a big media agency to get a good Cost per click let alone a good cost per acquisition.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

5 rules for business MSN'ng

These days more and more businesses are adapting to using MSN within the business to communicate internally and also externally. When I started Freestyle we used MSN immediately for internal communications and we still do. Yes, we have colleagues sitting next to each still typing to each other as opposed to speaking. For us this is ok because we are online marketers and are used to this kind of communication. We are always in touch with each other and always know where something is up to and what someone else could need. Its just faster to MSN someone as opposed to emailing them.

Now I have had some experiences in using MSN externally to clients. Now that is intense. Its a different game because you have to be on the ball all the time. There is a new level of account management required. Its almost like 24hour service! Since I am online a lot I am a little wary of speaking to clients over MSN because you need time to do things and it can create a strange expectation of you always working on their business. I can imagine for account managers dedicated to one client this will work but when you manage multiple clients there needs to be some lines in the sand.

Here are my 5 tips for keeping out of trouble:

1. Choose a good profile picture - People when MSN'ng each other, especially in business look at that picture scrupulously. I suggest something personal but also quite business like is best. I tend to have a little message in my profile about something I am advocating in online marketing.

2. Manage your profiles status - You must manage your status if you are talking to clients with MSN. If you appear online all the time when you are actually away from your computer you can create quite a bit of agnst.

3. Use correct language - Just because you speak in shortnd sentnces w yr txt msgs dosnt mean u can when you are business MSN'ng. You can do it to some degree but you mustn't go over board or you will miscommunicate with the client.

4. Less typing and more listening and waiting - Not every client you work with will be a complete speed typer. You must slow down your communication length slightly until you synchronise well with the clients speed of communication. Otherwise you will again fall into the trap of miscommunication.

5. Email or MSN? - Some things are better in an email and some are better as MSN. Sending a proposal to a client would probably best be done through MSN where as confirming a meeting could be done through MSN. Remember that MSN is instant and you dont want to stop someone and get their opinion of your proposal then and there. They need to set some time away, print it out potentially and read through it. They will not make the decision that you want them to pinging it to them and expecting an answer then and there.