Sunday, October 15, 2006

Online Marketing Strategy - Email List Creation #2

Welcome to the second instalment of Creating an Email List. To recap: you have a little website and some channels pointing to it, sending you web traffic. Converting website visitors into database signups is the key now.

First let me flag 1 thing: although I have written about acquisition channels it is advisable to setup your conversion pages before you start sending traffic to your website. Traffic is expensive and although the internet is still the wild, wild west right now, it is going to get more expensive. In the good old days late night TV advertising spots were FREE. But not now. It is currently the big gun. One day the web will be too. And then it will cost you. So let's get our practice in while we can..

What is Conversion?

Website Conversion is getting your website visitors to give you their email address and allowing you to contact them. In these days of heavy spamming, that sounds like a pretty tall order but if you give people the content they want, they'll be begging you for more.

Think about the kind of content that you would like when you signup for emails. I already do this. I am a big fan of internet marketing and so I signup to some really niche specialists: some on blogging, some on affiliate and some on adsense. These emails keep me enthused. They keep me passionate and help me to keep learning. I challenge myself and subscribe to the theory of always learning and these emails are my tool to do that. So, when I visit others' websites and see that I can signup to their email list I do it. Because I know it will help me to develop.

Now I also like other things - like music - and I signup to this cool Music Review website which sends me a newsletter all the time and keeps me up to date with the latest music. I subscribed to a lot of others but The Elevenmagazine crowd just have this raw energy about them that just keeps me reading each week.

Lets have a closer look at this website: uses calls to action to entice users to subscribe to their database.

2 calls to action are on the ElevenMagazine homepage which entice users in. The basic "Subscribe here" call to action on the right hand side is the ever present call to action to get the user to subscribe. The second call to action is the current promotion that is running in the header where you can win a CD just for subscribing. So not only do you get great content but also a chance to win. These are 2 great ways to get subscribers in and not just let them click off from your website.

Get them in before they leave

The key idea here is: that when users visit your website they are looking for something. The worst thing you can have them do is click on and click off - what I call, "go to the moon" (the little blue moon in the previous diagram.) I always suggest putting things in place that convert these users into signups. The more compelling and enticing your offers, the better you will convert.

Next post I will give you some tips on that conversion page and what increases and decreases conversion.

If you enjoyed this content and want to be reminded of more just signup below. I will also throw in a reminder of my up coming in-person seminar I am holding in Sydney.

Online Marketing Sydney Email Reminder

Don't miss this chance to improve your online marketing. For a limited time I'm offering you:
* FREE online marketing tactics. Free is always good isn't it? ;-)
* Early bird ticket offers to my seminars to save you money
* Email reminders of online marketing strategies so you're the most up to date

Your privacy is 100% secure. I personally hate SPAM and will never spam you.

Fred Schebesta
15 Barr Street, Balmain, NSW, 2041. Call me anytime 02 9818 7300

P.S. If you have any problems or want to discuss something just post a comment and myself and the other readers will help out.

Previous Post
Online Marketing Strategy - Email Listing Building #1

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