Sunday, October 22, 2006

Online Marketing Seminar

Today we launched the new Online marketing seminar website!

You can register for the event now.

The seminar came to be after I won the NSW ADMA Young Direct Marketer of the Year award. This sparked a lot of interest and everyone was asking me how an online marketer won a direct marketing award. I think that is a sign of the times now that online marketing is becoming a recognised discipline of direct marketing. I am very focused on electronic direct marketing, I would not say that I am a big online advertising man. So after winning the award everyone asked me what things won me the award. I have broken the elements down into 11 things. I can these my online marketing secrets. The seminar is all about these 11 secrets. Its $49 to attend so it won't break the bank but it will give you a great insight into how to market your business online.

Unfortunately one of my secrets the 7th - "Increasing click through & conversion through paid search marketing" was accidently leaked in an email I sent. You can download it for free on the seminar page.

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