Monday, October 23, 2006

Live Human Search Engine ChaCha

I am not normally this excited but this blew me away! ChaCha is a human search engine where a person does the searching for you. I felt bad using the service asking the person to go and find things and off they went searching through google. It was very kind of them as I asked them to find me some forumlas on "Latent semantic indexing Mathmatical formulas". It was very kind of them to find me stuff and I feel guilty that I was that lazy to use the service.

I see this as an interesting step in humanity where not only can we not be bothered to read through books for information we now get other humans to go and find it for us.

Let me know your experience with the service.

Internet Marketing Seminar update
Tickets are starting to be sold to the seminar although there are still quite a few left. Some new sponsors are coming on board and I will post about soon.

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