Sunday, November 5, 2006

5 things to check daily with your marketing

These are 5 things I check daily for clients and for our businesses:

1. Number of Sales - I check signups/sales/leads or whatever the metric that all marketing is determined on for a particular client. With Laser Sight Centres its all about laser eye surgery bookings. How many today versus yesterday.

2. Website traffic - I check my blogs traffic almost daily. I check the following metrics:
  • Recent camefroms - What webpages did people recently come from
  • Recent keywords - What keywords did people type in to get to my blog
  • Amount of traffic - The actual volume of traffic that went to the blog
3. Signups to email database - I check signups to email databases almost as religiously as number of sales. Anyone who downloads your whitepapers/signs up to your list or any other way you are capturing interested peoples email details are interested. The more interested people you are speaking to the better.

4. Search engine listings - I type in my clients main search engine keywords every 2 days. I couldnt tell you how many times I have typed "laser eye surgery" into Google!

5. Competitive Search engine listings - I always check at the same time on the natural listings to see how my clients competitors are going on the engines and if they have decided to bite the bullet and just buy up the keywords. If they are already buying up keywords, I check to see what they are running for their landing pages and what their ads are saying.

What do you check?

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