Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Online Christmas Game for Marketing Purposes

If you are looking to build a christmas game or perhaps a funny eCard to send to your clients here are some samples to look at.

Bounce the presents into Santas sleigh!
This game got a HUGE response and the top scores that were recorded must have meant people were playing this well into the night and during work hours. With the highscore engine and great graphics in this one you would be looking at around $5-6k to build something comparable.

Santa down the chimney
(Love the sound effects with this one!)
This is a fun game and the sound effects make it great. This caused a storm of comedy and viralness in the financial community when people could send Santa down the burning chimney! This game cost around $4k mark. Not as complicated although quite funny!

Juggle the football
This game worked really well for the World cup and again got a great response rate. This game had some great 3D effects and something much more christmassy and fun would cost around $4.5k. E.g. I would Get presents and juggle them and add in more presents as the number of juggles increased.

All these games would be fully branded in your company colours and branding. If a game is too much on the old budget I would suggest just doing a funny flash eCard with Santa and your brand. Perhaps putting Santa into a funny situation with his elves and reindeer, some nice flash animation and some music always go down well. Something clean and fun like this with some good animation and sound would cost around $2700.

All things considered when you look at your printing, postage and admin work the old flash game tends to be quite cost effective considering the effect it will have with your customers.

Christmas games are great if you really want to stand out this xmas and bring a bit of a cheer to your clients faces. I think the viral element of it is great and its just different and fun. I think the christmas card with a pre-printed signature is kinda boring and just makes me feel old each time I recieve them from other people. Online Christmas games are fun because they engage your audience and you get to show the personal side of your company to your customers.

3 tips for making a great online christmas game for your marketing

1. Think about how you are going to deliver your game - Building a game is easy. Promoting it again needs to be thought of. I always suggest a nice HTML and text based email announcing the game to your customers. If you use your email list this will have a great response!

2. Budget to be remembered - Great games cost lots of money ($50k). For christmas I would suggest something between $5-7k. This will get you a good game, a highscore calculator and a forward to a friend functions. Something fun and zippy like this is suggested to have the right level of impact and be remembered over those crappy printed generic cards. The $3-5k games are good too and they will have a good effect although they arent going to last very long. They also tend to be a little less viral.

3. Remember your metrics - I suggest collecting some metrics on your game. The following are a good starting point:

  • Number of times played
  • Number of forward to friends
  • Time spent playing the game

Again if you are interested in getting a game this Christmas going. Now is the perfect time to start discussing, send me an email at Freestyle Media to discuss further

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