Wednesday, December 6, 2006

An Online Marketing Success Story of Adopting Sheep

Sheep Starving
"Adopt me?"

Here is a story that is happening right now. My friend Michael Kiely has a farm full of sheep, and unless you have been living under a rock you will know that there is no water its dryer than my mouth when I wake up in the morning after a tough night boozing. So what he decided to do was allow people to adopt his sheep! (

This new campaign has been spurred by using email marketing to Michael's Thought Of The Day list (A golden read), A great blog, Some serious blog posting, Some press releases and a good bit of old follow-up and some good old Word Of Mouth.

Michael's PR was so successful that he was on the Channel 7 News!!

Adopt A Sheep On the Homepage of Yahoo!7 News. Video Story about Adopt a Sheep

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