Sunday, September 24, 2006

3 quick ways to increase your website traffic

1. Make your domain name noticeable

Look at the difference between these to domain names:


What do you notice?
1. Each separate word has a capital letter to make it easier to read
2. The .COM.AU is capitalised to help you remember what the domain suffix is

I also suggest you use a domain name that is memorable. I always remember this domain “IfMyMindWasARoom.COM” because its memorable, where as, “BenAndMichaelsGuttering.COM” is not. One final thing it is always good to buy a misspelling of your domain name and the .COM version.

2. Build a database and send an enewsletter with useful tips

An enewsletter is the easiest and fastest way to bring your existing prospects and customers back to your website, thus increasing your traffic. You are looking for marriages here not 1 night stands! To increase your enewsleter list read my article on 101 ways to convert more traffic into signups. When you think about content always think “Is this going to benefit my target market?”

Suggestions for content:
• New articles
• A recent great blog post they may have missed
• News that is relevant to them
• A great forum post
• A special promotion or report

If you don’t want to write your enewsletter get Freestyle Media to write and send it for you.

3. Buy traffic from the search engines

Pay per click advertising in the search engines is a quick technique to getting targeted traffic to your website. Experiment with your search engine marketing agency and just buy a small amount of keywords and test your conversion rate. Once you have an appropriate conversion rate spend a little more with your agency and repeat this process. For more information about search engine marketing read the Freestyle Media search engine marketing guide. If you don’t have a search engine marketing agency, you can get a free quotation from Freestyle Media by simply filling out this search engine marketing quote form.

Know any other quick wins?

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