Sunday, April 22, 2007

What does Wikipedia have to say about Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Internet marketing is a component of electronic commerce. Internet marketing can sometimes include information management, public relations, customer service, and sales. Electronic commerce and Internet marketing have become popular as Internet access is becoming more widely available and used. Well over one third of consumers who have Internet access in their homes report using the Internet to make purchases.(Devang, 2007)"

I find the 4 components it has split it up into:

Information management - I see this as being almost like content management, information structuring and usability.

Public relations - Article PR, Blogging and search engine optimisation have got to fit in here.

Customer service - This is really about eCRM, call centre interaction and basic customer service principles.

Sales - I see this having Persuasion, advertising and marketing strategy under its umbrella.

Which places could you work on?

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