Friday, April 27, 2007

Even the almighty David Ogilvy had call to actions in his print ads

The Man From Schweppes is here with a Call to Action

Look at the mastery of this ad. I stand humble at the feet of the master of copy and direct response. Look at the story value of this ad. I believe that man exists. Look at this call to action in this ad.

David Ogilvy Quote: "P.S. If your favorite store or bar doesn't yet have Schweppes, drop a card to us and we'll make the proper arrangements. Address Schweppes, 30 East 60th Street, New York City."

I just want to flag 1 line "make the proper arrangements." David Ogilvy always said, "Turn your clients into premium brands, make them a first class ticket." This ad encapsulates that for me.

More Ogilvy Gold

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