Monday, April 2, 2007

How will the new .au second level domain effect your search engine optimisation?

Immediately when I heard about this new second level domain ( opening I thought wow what an opportunity for search engine marketers. I couple of things are going through my mind and I will take you through them and would be keen on your feedback.

1. Which domain will be priortised over which? - When it comes to SEO most SEO'rs prioritise .com over say .biz and .net. I myself believe that Google has a preferece towards .com domains over the other ones. So, will Google rank .au over or the other way around??

2. What a branding opportunity! - There are so many domains out there that big businesses have been trying to get a hold of and havent been able to. Now is a great chance. In my mind is better than as there are less characters and it seems more local.

What do you think?

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