Monday, April 16, 2007

Web marketing Course For Serious Marketers 26th April

How do you Absorb Online Marketing Information the fastest?

Personally I find that when I do something immediately as opposed putting it on my To Do list it gets done. Thats why I like attending seminars and buying videos of them. I find it the fastest and quickest way that I take in and develop my information base from which I work from. I have put together a 2 hour Online Marketing seminar for you that is chock full of examples, concepts and ideas to supercharge your website.

Anzac day is on the 25th of April and that makes Thursday the 26th of April. If you want to do some learning on your day before the weekend, come and join me at my Online Marketing Seminar. I have had a great turn out for each event over 70 people each time. Everyone learns a lot about how to market online in the power packed 2 hours.

Note: This seminar is only for people serious about online marketing.

Get your ticket now as the price goes up in 7 days time!

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