Sunday, March 12, 2006

"Online marketing sydney" search engine marketing case study #1

I have decided to give my blog a bit of meaningful credit and try and get my blog into the search engines and start getting some traffic to it.

Pagerank = zero/10

Right now my blog has zero pagerank with Google. This means that not many people are linking to it and Google doesnt consider it a valuable website. I need to rectify this. The way I am going to do this is by getting websites with pagerank to link to my blog. I have requested a link be created from the Freestyle Media (PR 5) website to my blog. I am keen to put this link in the sitemap page of the Freestyle Media website.

Last 25 words
The last 25 words of content need to contain you keyword. I have added a footer paragraph today which contains the keywords "Online marketing sydney". Lets see how that performs. I have also added a link back to the homepage in the footer.

Most of my techniques and ideas are either self developed or I have learnt them from the USA. We will track this performance with the engines and see how we go?

Search engine changes to blog #2
Search engine optimisation changes #3

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