Thursday, March 16, 2006

Introduction to Online marketing seminar

Im giving a free seminar next wednesday. If you want to come along just signup here.

Its an overview of online marketing. Wednesday the 22nd of March.

  • Search engine marketing (No where as detailed as this weeks seminar.)
  • Blogging and podcasting (This is the way of the future and I want to give some insights.)
  • Email marketing
  • Websites - The good the bad and the ugly. Briefly discuss concept of websites being a sales tool not just a information source. Also a sneak peek at web 2.0!
  • eCRM - the basics as to what you need if you dont already have a CRM system connected to you website
  • Content management systems
  • Website statistics
  • Online media and banner advertising
  • Viral marketing and online games - what makes a good viral and what doesnt.
  • Affiliate marketing - Overview this and just brush over it. Affiliate networks are a tough gig but they need to be done.
  • Webcasts - Broadband is in and so is video.

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