Sunday, March 26, 2006

Behold the power of Google!

It has only been 2 months since Google last made it to the press for giving BMW and Ricoh Germany the "death penalty". And now they're back on the news again for blacklisting yet another website for using "unethical" tactics to increase their search ranking. Only this time, they retaliated back by suing Google.

When you read the story about you cannot help but to think how powerful Google has become. If it was Yahoo or MSN Search that banned the BMW or the KinderStart websites, would it have received the same publicity on the news? I would think not. So this is really a compliment to Google - ie. the importance for businesses to "get along" with them.

According to the lawyer of, getting banned on Google meant the loss of 60-70% of Internet traffic to the website. Ouch!

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