Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Treat Googlebot just like a normal user

I have found some very interesting videos from Matt Cutts vlog. Ok for the noob:

1. Noob = New person to something
2. Matt Cutts = The Google Blogger that all the SEO guys listen to and read because he actually works at Google and what he has to say most of the time is what everyone knows but he does drop a couple of little snippets of gold in there every now and again.
3. vlog = Video blog. Videos instead of words.

Matt Cuts Vlog

Matt here talks about treating Googlebot just like an ordinary user. Now that stuck with me and I thought. What type of user? There are many users in my mind. The Geek with 1 million windows open and knows how to navigate from page to page finding the content they want and need. Compare this with the 52 year old who understands how to use the mouse and can click some buttons but give them a drop down navigation and they can't find the content you want to give them.

Anyone got any ideas on what Matt was inferring here?

Fred Schebesta

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