Friday, June 23, 2006

Foshizzle your webizzle with Gizoogle

Okay, I don't know what I just said. Apparently some poeople dig that kind of speak. So much so that someone's invented a little website called Gizoogle.

It translates text on a website into this "izzle" language.

But after you've had a couple of laughs and passed it onto your friends, you'll notice that this is probably a website to promote*.

In case you haven't caught on, is another social networking website that's totally free and free of ads. It's funded by a millionaire who's most likely waiting to make some more millions by waiting for a large company to buy out his business. knows that getting members will work best by word of mouth. So what better way to encourage word of mouth marketing online than to invent a fun little site that translate serious sites into funny garble?

The great thing about this word of mouth marketing method is that Gizoogle is a tool that would appeal to the younger generation who are really getting into the izzle speak. Aren't they the perfect group of people to get onto I think so.

The Gizoogle website has been running since 27 Jan 2005 and has had over 2.9 million unique visitors to date. You can see the detailed stats by scrolling down to the bottom of the website and clicking on that minute chart image.

Great viral WOM marketing!

* This statement isn't substantiated, but was made by inference. Please add your comments if you can prove that it's true or false.

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