Tuesday, June 13, 2006

5 ways to avoid online marketing disasters!

There are five simple steps to follow for successful online marketing projects and you probably already follow them all. So why bother reading on? Because there is a simple way to get even more value for money and ensure your web projects always turn out better than expected.

  1. Write a brief
  2. Have a budget and timeline
  3. Content & Images
  4. Engage a web expert
  5. Publish with a reputable provider (hosting)

I Already Do That
Often-times even though you follow these steps, you may find yourself dissatisfied with the result or frustrated by the experience of your online projects. WHY? Simple: You need to change the order.

Some FREE advice: Mix it Up
While you may getting more familiar with the processes involved in online publishing, without expert advice there are many potential issues which could still arise, or lost opportunities you don’t exploit, simply because you get your web expert involved too late in the process. Put it this way: Step 4 is way too late.
Here’s your FREEBIE: If you are super-keen to get started or want a basic outline to get your brief on track, then this template will help. (online_marketing_brief.doc 62K)

Getting Value for Money

The sooner you get your web partner involved, the better your chances of meeting and often exceeding, your targets. With their extensive experience, your web partner can often suggest new ideas, alternative solutions or a smarter process, saving you time and money in wasted investment. Listen – you’re paying them anyway, so why not get the best value for your money and maximise your ROI.

The Bottom Line
Engage web expert up front not at step 4 – this will save you time & money!

Your Thoughts:
Like to share your experiences or thoughts just click comment.

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