Sunday, February 18, 2007

Search Engine Summit Conference

Listen to me at The Search Engine Summit Conference

As you can probably tell, I’m really ramping up my speaking engagements this year.

In March I will be presenting at the Search Summit – the Australian search marketing conference.

Personally I’m excited to be part of a line-up which includes guys from Google, SEO, 24x7 Real Media and News Limited’s Digital Media arm. We’ll be exploring all nooks and crannies on how to get the most from your search engine strategies.

Unlike past Australian search Events this one is focused on delivering content not just to novices but is also offering high level strategies to media savvy pros who already have their toes in the water.

As you know, I believe your search engine position is one of the most highly valuable online marketing tools in your arsenal. We industry bods are getting together to ensure we are making the most of the offerings in our market. Hope to see you there.

For more details or to register for the seminar, visit

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