Thursday, February 8, 2007

AdTech Sydney - My 2 cents

I had a great time at Ad-Tech in Sydney, although MAN ON MAN was there a lot of hype! People were FLOGGING there stuff. I was accosted by more people than ever before. I have a feeling AdTech made quite a pretty penny from the event! I sure hope those booth operators make their money back.

The Talks
I went to a few talks before I was on to get into the spirit. I liked it. I enjoyed the open and honest chat and discussions. The talks that killed me were the sales pitches. After I did my talk I sat through a few more although I had to leave after a while. It was just too much for me.

New learnings!
The best thing I learnt from the conference was that you can profile people on social networking sites like MySpace and point out who are the influencers. Who has the most number of connections and who effects a market. You would then target these people with communications and try to influence these people so that they influence their people positively. I also learnt that Bebo is number 2 to MySpace in Social networking sites. I met Jim Scheinman VP of sales there who promised that it will be number one over MySpace in Australia in 6 months time! Big promises!

I met Darren Rowse at the event and it was superb! We had some good chats and I was keen to hear about his insights into some of the things he was up to. Here is his take on the event. I was talking at the event with Des Walsh (Thinking Home business), Mark Jones (Financial Review) and Ross Dawson (Future Exploration). Ross was such a good man he gave me a copy of his book which I have been feverishly reading.

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