Monday, February 26, 2007

Catch me at the City of Randwick Combined Chamber of Commerce talk

Online Marketing Secrets Revealed!

Just a quick one!

You can catch me at the BEC in Randwick tomorrow morning. I will be revealing 5 of my online marketing secrets! More Information about the event tomorrow morning.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

How to use Video in Your Online Marketing

I gave a talk at the AIMIA event "The Future of Video Online". My talk was on "How to use Video in Your Online Marketing". For everyone who attended I have posted my slides up on the link below.

Download my slides
How to use Video in Your Online Marketing

I had a number of examples I showed in my presentation which are all accessible on YouTube or other websites. Here are some:

Pronto Condoms - A great example of using video for product demonstrations
Chevy Tahoe Paradoy video - An example of putting your brand out there and getting bitten
Tyson Ibeles Sony Ad - An example of putting your brand out there and it being loved
Telecome NZ Ad - Emotion packed into video

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Search Engine Summit Conference

Listen to me at The Search Engine Summit Conference

As you can probably tell, I’m really ramping up my speaking engagements this year.

In March I will be presenting at the Search Summit – the Australian search marketing conference.

Personally I’m excited to be part of a line-up which includes guys from Google, SEO, 24x7 Real Media and News Limited’s Digital Media arm. We’ll be exploring all nooks and crannies on how to get the most from your search engine strategies.

Unlike past Australian search Events this one is focused on delivering content not just to novices but is also offering high level strategies to media savvy pros who already have their toes in the water.

As you know, I believe your search engine position is one of the most highly valuable online marketing tools in your arsenal. We industry bods are getting together to ensure we are making the most of the offerings in our market. Hope to see you there.

For more details or to register for the seminar, visit

Sunday, February 11, 2007

How to Choose an Internet Marketing Consultant

If you are in the process of recruiting a new internet marketing consultant I have always found it tough to hire any particular consultant although I have broken down some ways to figure a good one from a bad one.

Practice what they preach - Whenever someone comes for an interview at Freestyle Media for say an account management position I always ask to see what their skills are like using the internet. If they cant use a computer very well nor browse through the internet, how in the world would they be able to help our clients market themselves better on the internet. I do the same with consultants. If I am hiring a PR consultancy I look at their PR and their online marketing, If I am hiring an accountant I would love to see their books (not always possible) or if I was hiring an internet marketing consultant I would look at their internet marketing.

I like how they Think - With lots of consultants I find that you can't sample their work. It's almost like you need to take a leap and just hope they know what they are doing and that they can deliver what they promise. I always look at consultant's blogs and read some of their thoughts. I try and understand how they think and see if that fits in well with what I am doing.

Experience - I always like seeing what a consultant has done for someone else and then I always ask them, "What can you do for me?" I want to hear ideas. I want to hear comments and suggestions on what could be improved. I like hearing powerful questions that uncover the real issue. When I hear that I can tell this person gets to the heart of the problem and can diagnose the problem. It doesn't mean they can fix it, that is another story. Although they have ticked the first box of knowing what is the problem. Personally, I never trust logos on peoples resumes or websites because its too easy to get a small job from some random person and say it was all your work.

Fred Schebesta's Internet Marketing Consulting
I myself do a lot of internet marketing consulting to corporate companies like Qantas, Sanitarium, Thomson Education Direct and McDonalds. I prefer working in a workshop style for developing internet marketing strategies after I have provided a lot of research and insights from my internet marketing research.

If you are interested in working with me as an internet marketing consultant give me a call (or email) at Freestyle Media (61 2) 9818 7300 to discuss what you would like to achieve.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

AdTech Sydney - My 2 cents

I had a great time at Ad-Tech in Sydney, although MAN ON MAN was there a lot of hype! People were FLOGGING there stuff. I was accosted by more people than ever before. I have a feeling AdTech made quite a pretty penny from the event! I sure hope those booth operators make their money back.

The Talks
I went to a few talks before I was on to get into the spirit. I liked it. I enjoyed the open and honest chat and discussions. The talks that killed me were the sales pitches. After I did my talk I sat through a few more although I had to leave after a while. It was just too much for me.

New learnings!
The best thing I learnt from the conference was that you can profile people on social networking sites like MySpace and point out who are the influencers. Who has the most number of connections and who effects a market. You would then target these people with communications and try to influence these people so that they influence their people positively. I also learnt that Bebo is number 2 to MySpace in Social networking sites. I met Jim Scheinman VP of sales there who promised that it will be number one over MySpace in Australia in 6 months time! Big promises!

I met Darren Rowse at the event and it was superb! We had some good chats and I was keen to hear about his insights into some of the things he was up to. Here is his take on the event. I was talking at the event with Des Walsh (Thinking Home business), Mark Jones (Financial Review) and Ross Dawson (Future Exploration). Ross was such a good man he gave me a copy of his book which I have been feverishly reading.