Thursday, January 25, 2007

Online Marketing Course 28th of February

Who Else Wants to Learn Fred Schebesta's Internet Market Secrets?

You now have the chance to register for my Online Marketing Course on the 28th of February! I am putting the seminar on again because of popular demand. Last seminar had 100 people attend and everyone who came up to me afterwards said, "I wish I heard your seminar before I started marketing online." Here is what some of the people who attended have to say.

Murray Fay, Dore Achievement Centres

Who should attend the seminar?

I do not want anyone to attend if they are not serious about taking action to market their business online. If you are not serious about online marketing leave this webpage too. I have a responsibility to the community of people who read this blog and that includes ensuring that everyone who is involved is serious and committed to online marketing.

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