Sunday, January 14, 2007

AdTech Sydney – Free Online Experts’ Secrets

Ad-tech's 10th year, the first time in Australia

In its 10th year I’m proud to be a guest speaker at AdTech, especially as this is the first time it’s coming to Australia. I’m also really excited about the line-up of the other awesome speakers. They are leaders in online and will give me the inside look I need to keep improving my performance.
I will be talking on ‘Using Blogs as a Marketing Tool’, joining a huge list of speakers including:
  • Shawn Gold, CMO,
  • Ian Smith, CEO, Yahoo7
  • Jack Matthews, CEO, Fairfax Digital
  • Tony Faure, CEO, nineMSN
  • Chris Smith, CEO Sensis Interactive
  • Nick Leeder, COO, News Digital Media
  • Richard Kimber, MD, Google
  • Andrew Reid, MD, Nielsen//NetRatings
  • Harold Mitchell, Chairman, Mitchell & Partners Pty Ltd
  • Ross Dawson, Chairman, Future Exploration Network

You will get FREE access to these experts if you register for the FREE exhibition.

All it will cost is some of your time to learn from the world’s leading online marketers in search, advertising and CRM. I know I will be soaking it up.

During their two day conferences around the globe, AdTech award the best in online media, offer Internet marketing insights and propose future directions in digital.

AdTech hits Sydney on February 6 - 7, 2007. Hope to see you there! Visit Ad Tech, Sydney for more details.

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