Friday, July 21, 2006

Online marketing in Sydney content requests

I want to tell you a story about how this blog came about. I was jumping around on the web looking at our competitors (as you do), and I kinda came to the conclusion that I have a lot to offer the online marketing industry and needed some way to get it out there. At the time I also was speaking with Des Walsh a blog guru. I attended a talk by himself and some of his other colleagues. I wanted to understand this blog phenominon and get into it. After attending this talk and being shown the way of the future I was absolutely convinced to get myself a blog happening. I tickled around with Blogger at first and put my toe in. My old blog is a bit of a relic hibernating on Blogspot (link). I decided after blogging for a while to get some search engine optimisation happening on it. I totally dig search engine optimisation. Its kinda my hobby and also my profession. I like analysing Google and seeing how it reacts. I create little experiments and trials and test what happens. I have started to blog about the changes I made to the site in actual entries. I was super happy when the blog got listed in the search engines and just recently was given a pagerank of 4.

Ever since I started getting some traction and traffic in the engines I have doubled my efforts with the blog and tried to make it a superior resource for online marketers in Sydney.

Following are the current issues I am running into with this blog:
  1. What content do you want to read about? - Even with my best judgements I have really not had very much feedback about the blog and I am struggling to know what direction and part you would like me to write about. I strongly encourage you to post a comment or email me and I will dedicate myself to a topic area for 12 posts.
  2. Signups to my mailing list - I am not sure if people want to receive the blogs in a newsletter format or if they would prefer to just browse in and read the blogs. Let me know what you would prefer.
  3. Any other feedback - I am also keen to hear what people think of the blog. I am trying to help and educated online marketers and will do my utmost best to figure out what you want to hear about and which direction you want me to take.

Keen on suggestions,

Fred Schebesta

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