Thursday, June 28, 2007

Yes, Its 1:13am! But I have to tell you something important.

If you have subscribed to this blog and have committed to this blog then disregards what I am about to say.

1. Do You Know how you can use online marketing?

Have you checked recently how many people go online vs go and check their mailbox. If not. Here are some stats for you.

2. Welcome to online marketing. I have bad news for you. People have already been where you have been and you need a serious crash course to catch up.

3. Don't worry. What you learnt offline can be applied online. If you have something of value people are going to check you out. If not. Try again.

4. By the way the online marketing dream is dying. Yes! People are crouding every single internet marketing niche. No more sending out random spam letters to people hoping 0.01% of people will respond. 6 other companies in your exact niche are about to do it. Hey, I am being extreme and there are still some niches open, but take some action, stop ignoring online marketing.

5. If you have need help call 02 9818 7300. Ask for Fred Schebesta.

Looking for some ADMA Forum slides?

Download 5 ways to supercharge your online marketing.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

FREE Petrol!

The Most Compelling Headlines on the Internet

Yes! No gimmicks, No tricks just Free petrol! Our newest campaign with NRMA Motoring is to give away $25,000 worth of petrol and you get a free weekly email for the cheapest petrol prices in your area.

This is awesome !

There are only 3 other headlines that could grab more attention than that. I have been reading Michael Kielys post about creating headlines and copywriting. I consider Michael Kiely to be the god of copywriting for direct marketing and kneel at his feet of wisdom.

3 Headlines to top FREE Petrol

  1. Free Beer - I think I would do quite a few things for a free beer. I would fill in a 10 page survey just for a free beer.
  2. Free Sex - This headline grabs peoples attention by the balls! Literally.
  3. Free Money - This is a classic John Caples Headline.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Website Template for Search Engine Optimisation

Thank you to everyone who attended my talk at Search Engine Bootcamp! It was super to be with such an engaging audience, I hope everyones palms read good futures!

Website Template to maximise search engine rankings

As promised here is the website template for maximising search engine rankings.

Monday, June 18, 2007

7 Secrets to make your Online Copy Sizzle!

Online Copy secrets shared by Online Guru Copywriter

Want more conversions on your site? Fix your copy! I have interviewed Jon Maxim to help you sizzle your copy to get a better response rate. Jon is a guru copywriter and teaches for ADMA strategy and copy courses.

Here are some of the things you will learn:

1. How to deal with the online medium?
2. Where do you start? _un__ion?
3. How do you get to the point faster, given its online?
4. What tactic should you employ so that everyone understands what you are trying to tell them?
5. What about grammar in the online space? What is so special about “Eats roots and leaves”?
6. How can you improve your copy over time?
7. What increases email readership?
8. BONUS!! Listen to find out!

Listen to the podcast by adding your name and email address:

Make your opinion count, post your comments about the podcast below.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Should you optimise your META tags for your SEO?

I get asked at every single SEO conference or talk I do whether or not you should optimise your META tags. Firstly here is my answer:

Title tag <title> - Definately. Probably the most important factor in your SEO

META Description and Keywords tags <meta> - Yes. My reason for this is that although it may not be the most important tag right now it is still a fundamental tag which Google may use more in the future. Below is Matt Cutts (Head of SPAM at Google) view on this.

Matt Cutts on Toolbar Data » Online Marketing Blog: "Let’s take the example in a different context. Meta tags got a bad rap in the early days of search engines because a few people abused them heavily. As a result Google doesn’t use meta tags much in ranking documents. But I’ve learned not to say “We would never use meta tags” because it’s not wise to preclude using any particular signal; in the future, someone might work out a way to use that signal.

So I’m not going to say definitively that Google doesn’t/won’t use toolbar data (or other signals) in ranking. I think what you were picking up on was my long list of “cons” in data like that."

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What is the secret to online marketing when technology changes come so fast?

Is Your Online Marketing Becoming Obsolete?

Have you seen Microsoft Surface? If not spend 1 minute and be wowed by their video demonstrations.

Microsoft Surface Videos

So where does that leave your online marketing? Should you start researching how you are going to market to this new platform? Is your online marketing obsolete? Where does it fit in your online marketing strategy? I would suggest leave it the same place it was before. With new technologies and new ideas they are fantastic but unfortunately no one uses them except the innovators and pioneers. So many new and amazing technologies never make it to the mainstream. E.g. electronic Books, Electronic newspapers, ePens etc.. Surface is another media. Its a publicity thing right now for Microsoft to get back into the headlines. Its not mainstream yet. No one is using it. How many people in Australia have an iPhone from Apple? 10? There are only 10,000 people using Second Life in Australia.

Some products make it through to the mainstream like iPods, Personal computers, Mobile phones, pagers etc.. and then you need to think about how that effects your online marketing. My rule of thumb is this, If the taxi drivers are talking about it then its mainstream and you need to worry about it. Otherwise ohh and ahh about it but wait 2 more years. Right now I would suggest to you that you need to get your online marketing happening because the taxi drivers know how to go on the internet now!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

6 Places You Are Losing Your Web Visitor

Stop Losing Your Customers from the 6 Most Common Conversion Spots in Your Sales Process

The first time I ever tried to buy my television online I stoppped and just went to another website. I was super keen on the television but I just physically couldn't figure out how to buy from the site. I won't mention there name.. ;-)

I did a presentation on the 6 ways you are losing sales on your website right now at eTail world and I have printed the slides up for your viewing.

Download your copy of the slides to improve your conversion rate

Supercharge Your Online Marketing Conversion.pdf

Thursday, June 7, 2007

How to Increase your profits with B2B Integrated Online Marketing Podcast

Podcast 1: Increasing Bottom Line Profits with B2B Integrated Online Marketing

Fred Schebesta interviews Angela Schuster from Integrated research in this podcast. Angela is a guru at B2B online marketing and how to generate leads and enquiries. She takes a very integrated approach using the following tactics to generate qualified leads.
  • Search marketing
  • Websites
  • Landing pages
  • Email marketing
  • Database profiling
  • Podcasts and ebooks
Angela shares her 5 tips to B2B online marketing success at the end of the podcast which will immediately give you a framework to run your online marketing for increased results.

Listen to Podcast
Increasing profits with B2B Integrated Online Marketing

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How does Q ltd's Acquisition of Freestyle Media help you?

Supercharge Your Online Marketing with the New Freestyle Media powered by Q ltd!

Yesterday Freestyle Media was 100% acquired by Q ltd. It was announced on the stock exchange and it a lot of trade journals like B and T and Adnews.

Online marketing agency Freestyle Media announced today it has been acquired by Q Ltd, a leading Australasian group of companies that provide services within the interactive advertising sector.

Q Ltd has acquired 100% of the share capital of Freestyle, one of the leading online marketing agencies in Australia. Freestyle works with clients to develop online strategies aimed at maximizing the capture and interaction of a brand with its target consumers.

The founders of Freestyle, Fred Schebesta and Frank Restuccia, will continue as joint Managing Directors under a 3-year employment agreement with the Q Ltd Group. The business will continue to operate under the Freestyle name.

“We are looking forward to being apart of a bigger group,” said Mr Schebesta.

“We will get some more powerhouse campaigns out there that pull millions of customers in for our clients. Keep building great converting websites and keep ranking our clients websites at the top of Google!”

Schebesta said that Freestyle plans on growing to 20-25 by the end of the year and will be opening an office in Melbourne in July.

"Freestyle provides outstanding services to its clients, assisting them to cost effectively target, capture and interact with consumers online, ensuring an ongoing relationship not simply a transaction. At Q Ltd, we believe all brands can benefit from the powerful online interactions Freestyle facilitates for clients and we are delighted that they have joined the Q Ltd team" said Q Ltd’s Managing Director, Paul G Choiselat.

Kevin Campbell, Q Ltd’s Chairman said "Freestyle compliments Q Ltd’s expansion with services that continue to add value and breadth to the interactive advertising and marketing services of the Group. We believe there will be strong synergy gains between Freestyle and the rest of Q Ltd and we welcome Fred and Frank as part of the Q Ltd team."

The purchase price comprises an upfront payment of $1,362,000 in cash and Q Ltd shares, with deferred consideration tied to the future earnings of Freestyle through to 31s` December 2009. The deferred consideration is to be paid in a combination of cash and by the issue of ordinary Q Ltd shares.


For further information or interviews please contact:
Catriona Pollard
CP Communications
P: (02) 9969 9668 M: 0411 023 974

About Freestyle Media
Freestyle Media specialises in driving traffic to websites and converts online customers into purchasers of products and services. Freestyle specialises in the integration of online strategy through a combination of web site development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimisation (SEO), online advertising and marketing. Some of Freestyle's leading clients include Sanitarium, Laser Sight, Rabobank, PMI Mortgage Insurance, Goodman Fielder, Computer Associates and The University of Newcastle.
Fred Schebesta's Blog

About Q Ltd (ASX:QXQ)
Q Ltd is a leading Australasian group of companies that provide services within the interactive advertising sector.

The Q Ltd Group is engaged in providing interaction between a client's brand and its target audience via websites, search engine marketing, permission marketing, email, mobile, and list marketing.

Q Ltd subsidiary companies are specialists within their respective specific sectors of the advertising industry and are leaders providing services to marketers in targeting, capturing and interacting with consumers (B28 and B2C) via interactive channels.
Let me just say its business as usual here. Q isnt going to split up Freestyle Media and move us around the country. We are actually working with them to open up in Melbourne in July to better service our existing clients in Melbourne and hopefully work with some new ones.

3 ways Q ltd will be able to help your online marketing

  1. Enhanced performance from better access to expertise - You can now gain better and more effective expertise and access to online media, mobile marketing, lists, search and technology than before. Freestyle will be working very closely with its partner companies to leverage their offerings and enhance your results. (I am very excited about the whole mobile marketing thing!)
  2. Easier access to Freestyle Media team - You will be able to access Freestyle Media's service offering in Melbourne, New Zealand and eventually other parts of Asia Pacific through Q ltds expansion of the business. Better access means more love for you from Freestyle! More love = better online marketing results.
  3. Better creative for your campaigns - If you are already working with one of the Q ltd companies then you will now have access to Freestyle Media's creative services of banner, website, landing page, flash game and Content Management production services. You will get faster campaign production and better results from an integrated approach from your agency.