Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Web’s most common questions, Question 1:

I’ve got my site registered with the Search Engines, what do I do now?

Ask the person at any business what’s one of the things they want to achieve with their online marketing strategy and without a doubt a lot will quickly shoot back ‘to get my site to the top of Google, over my competitors’.
Three important questions come to mind:
1) Why?
2) What?
3) How?

1) Why do I want to be top of Google?
The ‘Why’ is important – most people will answer ‘I want more business’ or ‘I want them to click-through to my site’.
Neither of these answers are wrong, but they could do with a bit of fleshing out.
Ask yourself some questions:
a) do I really know who my competitors are online?
b) do I know what keywords I should be targeting?
c) Do I know what consumers are searching for?
d) Is it important to be no.1 in the listngs, or is it OK to be in the first 5?
e) What other Search Engines should I be registering with, and which ones work well for my kind of business?

If you can answer these questions, you’re getting there. The next question is
2) What do I want them to do once they get to my Web site and/or landing page?

Do you want them to:
a) Buy something
b) Contact your sales team by email, phone, or via an online form?
c) Trade information (a report, free consultancy) for the opportunity to talk to someone again

3) How?
So how are you going to go about it?
‘natural search’,
‘ paid search’
‘search engine marketing’
‘search engine optimisation’
‘Link strategy’
‘Keyword density’
All of these are factors in being successful with your Search Engine Strategy, and it is important to understand the principles, so that you know what you’re buying.
The best answer we can give is – ask an expert to do it for you.
Ask Fred!

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