Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Too aggressive

I have a phrase that I use when I want to describe something as a little over the top and a little bit challenging to people. Generally if you are doing something and you are described as too aggressive its a good thing.


  • If you found a way to send out 1,000,000 emails for the same price as sending 100, thats too aggressive.
  • Americans are too aggressive when they do sales pitches.
  • Time Life daytime "old music" repackaged up and sold as classics is too aggressive with the words they use to describe the product.
  • If someone cuts in the line at the bank when you wanted to bank a cheque just because they didn't consider you, that's too aggressive.
  • For girls they would prefer to be described as being assertive as opposed to aggressive.
  • If you go to someones house and do something a little offensive, like spill something on their couch that they just bought, that's too aggressive.
You get the idea.

Let me tell you now whats too aggressive in online marketing.

Spending more money on your PPC than on your SEO is too aggressive.

Investing in SEO is like putting money into a savings account. Sure the interest is small at first, but if you get enough cash in there, you can pull in some serious dollars.

Just investing in PPC is like spending all of your pay cheque and not saving a single cent. (too aggressive)

My advice, get the SEO book. Aaron Wall is a golden SEO'r who can actually write down the techniques. I knew SEO and I bought it because I wanted more traffic. I got it, read it and now dominate. Buy it, read it over time, implement the techniques and save $10,000 in SEO fees that some consultant will charge you.

It will help you generate new ideas for campaigns, build a robost SEO site, fix problems with your rankings to get more traffic and actually help you understand technical things that most of us don't get.

P.S. The ADMA Forum campaign at present is too aggressive. Sex sells, but I don't want to pick that thing up at work, what are my colleagues going to think? I reckon a simple up the centre, "ADMA Forum, Make your DM pull better, June 25 - 27th 2008, Sydney Convention Centre. Register Now" would work better. The die hards will already go, they just need to know when it is. Spare me your creative mumbo jumbo just give me a simple benefit with some golden copy for this one, the authority is al.

Rob Edwards, if your reading this, invite me to speak and I will help you get some more bums on seats.